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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
7367 2 0 spamc/spamd blocker P1 Undefined spamc/configure.pl: Can't exec `version.h.pl': No such file or directory at spamc/configure.pl line 74.
5798 4 0 spamc/spamd normal P3 3.3.0 spamd vpopmail support is broke
5419 2 0 spamc/spamd minor P5 3.2.2 [review] kill -HUP `pidof spamd` causes the ps name to change from "spamd" to "perl"
4121 3 0 spamc/spamd major P1 3.0.3 [review] Score for user defined rules become ignored
3595 2 0 spamc/spamd blocker P3 3.0.0 [review] Wrong bayes and AWL files being opened
3577 2 0 spamc/spamd normal P5 3.1.0 SIGHUP to spamd doesn't work if running as non-root and using a privileged port
3317 2 0 spamc/spamd normal P5 3.0.0 'make test' failure in spamd_maxchildren, spamd_parallel, etc
2862 4 0 spamc/spamd enhancement P3 3.0.0 Port of spamc to Win32 environment
1936 6 0 spamc/spamd enhancement P4 Future RFE: specify multiple hosts for "spamc -d"
1536 3 0 spamc/spamd normal P3 2.60 Kernel reporting spamd problem in latest redhat kernel
1125 3 0 spamc/spamd normal P2 --- spurious NULL assignment -- segv, string truncation
1039 3 0 spamc/spamd critical P1 --- HTML or base64-encoded msgs get mangled SPAM: report
7826 2 0 spamassassin normal P2 4.0.0 Improve language around whitelist/blacklist and master/slave
7014 2 0 spamassassin major P2 Future spamassassin SQL deadlock using bayes
5250 5 0 spamassassin major P5 3.2.0 8-bit messages corrupted by rewrite_mail()
4347 2 0 spamassassin normal P4 3.2.0 provide info about missing/disabled meta dependencies
4191 2 0 spamassassin major P5 3.0.3 [review] uri_to_domain() is broken for urls with empty port
4154 2 0 spamassassin major P2 3.1.0 is_dns_available fails to loop as designed
3838 2 0 spamassassin minor P5 3.1.2 [review] allow_user_rules causes 'Insecure dependency in eval while running setuid' - caused by Perl taint bug
3816 5 0 spamassassin enhancement P3 3.0.2 [review] Add an X-header to know when added a Subject header

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