Bugzilla 5.2 Release Notes


Welcome to SA Bugzilla 5.2! This is kind of a weird release to explain. Back in early 2019, versions 5.0.5 and 5.0.6 were released for the 5.0.x branch, however, these releases contained invasive database schema and code reformatting changes that technically should not have been allowed to land on a stable branch. Some people noticed this, and never upgraded from 5.0.4 since 5.0.5 and 5.0.6 did not contain any security fixes. To fix this situation, 5.2 is picking up where 5.0.6 left off, since 5.0.5 technically should have been 5.2. Those still on 5.0.4 can upgrade to if they're not ready to go a full version release yet.

NOTE: Because of the above situation, version 5.1.x (development release) is actually NEWER code than 5.2, and you cannot "upgrade" to 5.2 from 5.1.x. The 5.1.x series has been retroactively renamed to 5.3.x.

SA Bugzilla is making an attempt to be 100% accessible. We're not there yet. We have made accessibilty improvements but we're quite sure that we've missed a lot. If you find any accessibility issues such as fields missing labels, poor contrast, or things that don't play well with screen readers, please file a new bug which blocks our Section 508 Compliance bug.

If you're upgrading, make sure to read Notes On Upgrading From a Previous Version. If you are upgrading from a release before 4.4, make sure to read the release notes for all the previous versions in between your version and this one, particularly the Upgrading section of each version's release notes.

Updates in this 5.2.x Release

Future releases on this branch will contain a list of the updates since the last point release in this section.

Because of the weird way versions 5.0.5 and 5.0.6 were released, changes from those releases are included below in case you're upgrading from the 5.0.4.x branch.

Minimum Requirements

Any requirements that are new since 5.0 will look like this.


Perl v5.14

For MariaDB Users

For MySQL Users

For PostgreSQL Users

For Oracle Users

For SQLite Users

Required Perl Modules

Module Version
CGI 3.51
Digest::SHA (Any)
Date::Format 2.23
DateTime 0.75
DateTime::TimeZone 1.64
DBI 1.614
DBIx::Connector 0.56
Moo 2.003004
Template 3.008
Email::Sender 2.600
Email::Address::XS 1.05
Email::MIME 1.904
URI 1.55
List::MoreUtils 0.32
Math::Random::ISAAC 1.0.1
JSON::XS 2.01

Optional Perl Modules

The following perl modules, if installed, enable various features of SA Bugzilla:

Module Version Enables Feature
GD 1.20 Graphical Reports, New Charts, Old Charts
Chart::Lines 2.4.1 New Charts, Old Charts
Template::Plugin::GD::Image (Any) Graphical Reports
GD::Text (Any) Graphical Reports
GD::Graph (Any) Graphical Reports
MIME::Parser 5.406 Move Bugs Between Installations
LWP::UserAgent (Any) Automatic Update Notifications
XML::Twig (Any) Move Bugs Between Installations, Automatic Update Notifications
PatchReader 0.9.6 Patch Viewer
Net::LDAP (Any) LDAP Authentication
Authen::SASL (Any) SMTP Authentication
Net::SMTP::SSL 1.01 SSL Support for SMTP
Authen::Radius (Any) RADIUS Authentication
SOAP::Lite 0.712 XML-RPC Interface
XMLRPC::Lite 0.712 XML-RPC Interface
JSON::RPC (Any) JSON-RPC Interface, REST Interface
Test::Taint 1.06 JSON-RPC Interface, XML-RPC Interface, REST Interface
HTML::Parser 3.67 More HTML in Product/Group Descriptions
HTML::Scrubber (Any) More HTML in Product/Group Descriptions
Encode 2.21 Automatic charset detection for text attachments
Encode::Detect (Any) Automatic charset detection for text attachments
Email::Reply (Any) Inbound Email
HTML::FormatText::WithLinks 0.13 Inbound Email
TheSchwartz 1.07 Mail Queueing
Daemon::Generic (Any) Mail Queueing
mod_perl2 1.999022 mod_perl
Apache2::SizeLimit 0.96 mod_perl
File::MimeInfo::Magic (Any) Sniff MIME type of attachments
IO::Scalar (Any) Sniff MIME type of attachments
Cache::Memcached (Any) Memcached Support
File::Copy::Recursive (Any) Documentation
File::Which (Any) Documentation

Optional Apache Modules

If you are using Apache as your webserver, SA Bugzilla can take advantage of some Apache features if you have the below Apache modules installed and enabled.

On most systems (but not on Windows), checksetup.pl is able to tell whether or not you have these modules installed, and it will tell you.

New Features and Improvements

Improved Mobile Rendering

Metadata to assist browsers in properly rendering SA Bugzilla on mobile browsers was added. Without this metadata Google Search tools would report SA Bugzilla pages as not suitable for mobile devices. SA Bugzilla still needs work to actually look nice on mobile devices but this is a good start. (PR #78)

Explicit MariaDB Support

Newer versions of MariaDB (10.6 and newer) have diverged from MySQL sufficiently that you can't really call it a drop-in replacement for MySQL anymore. We new have a 'mariadb' database driver for all versions of MariaDB. checksetup.pl will prompt you to switch to it if it detects that you are connected to a MariaDB database server. (Bug 1467006)

MySQL 8+ Support

Bugzilla previously did not work on MySQL 8 or newer. Now it does. (Bug 1592129)

Better Unicode support on MySQL and MariaDB

The utf8mb4 character set is now used by default on new installs making use of either MariaDB or MySQL. This should resolve many issues related to character encoding found in older versions. (Bug 1891882)

Demo Docker Configuration

SA Bugzilla now ships with a Docker Compose configuration which provides an out-of-the-box SA Bugzilla with a default configuration to test with. Type docker compose up in the root directory to start it up. You will be prompted on the console with how to connect to it once it comes up. Requires that you have Docker already installed. This configuration is not suitable for production use, and is just for playing around with it and testing it without needing to do a full installation. (Bug 1888068)

Other Enhancements and Changes

Enhancements for Users

Enhancements for Administrators and Developers

WebService Changes

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

Changes since Version 5.0.4

Because of the weird way we branched to fix the 5.0.5 numbering problem, the changes from 5.0.5 and 5.0.6 are included here in case you're upgrading from the 5.0.4.x branch.

