import*; import java.util.*; import*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*; public class HttpRequest extends TestProcedure { public TpHttpRequest() throws Exception { } public TpHttpRequest( String system ) throws Exception { super( system ); } // description for testsuite (short) public String _shortDescription = "TpHttpRequest makes a http request " + ""; // description for testsuite (long) public String _detailedDescription = "The class TpHttpRequest makes a " + "http request and checks the return code."; public ParamStr _targetIpAddress = new ParamStr("destination ip address", ""); public ParamStr _targetProtocol = new ParamStr("protocol which is used to connect to the target", new String[] { "http", "https" }); public ParamStr _targetPort = new ParamStr( " portnumber of target ", "80"); public ParamStr _targetPath = new ParamStr( " url path of target (without leading slash)", "index.html"); public ParamStr _sourceIpAddress = new ParamStr("list of local ip addresses, separated by semicolon or comma", ",,,,,"); InetAddress _sourceIpAddressResolved = null; private static String className = TpHttpRequest.class.getName(); private Vector _validIpAddresses = null; /** * composes the url from the given parameters of the procedure. * @return complete url */ private String getURL() throws Exception { String result = this._targetProtocol.getSubstitutedStrValue() + "://" + this._targetIpAddress.getSubstitutedStrValue() + ":" + this._targetPort.getSubstitutedStrValue() + "/" + this._targetPath.getSubstitutedStrValue(); return result; } private int getTargetPort() throws Exception { String sPort = _targetPort.getSubstitutedStrValue(); int port = Integer.parseInt(sPort); return port; } private HostConfiguration getHostConfiguration(InetAddress pAddress) throws Exception { HostConfiguration hc = new HostConfiguration(); hc.setHost(this._targetIpAddress.getSubstitutedStrValue(), getTargetPort(), this._targetProtocol.getSubstitutedStrValue()); hc.setLocalAddress(pAddress); return hc; } private List getSourceAddresses() throws Exception { if (_validIpAddresses == null) { String addresses = _sourceIpAddress.getSubstitutedStrValue(); Vector result = new Vector(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(addresses, ";, "); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String address = tokenizer.nextToken(); InetAddress ia = null; try { ia = InetAddress.getByName(address); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.out.println( className + ".getSourceAddresses: address not valid: <" + address + ">"); } if (ia != null) { result.add(ia); } } _validIpAddresses = result; } return _validIpAddresses; } public void runTp() throws Exception{ HttpMethod hMethod = new GetMethod(); HttpClient hClient = new HttpClient(); List sourceAddress = getSourceAddresses(); if (sourceAddress.size() == 0) { _testProcedureResult.failed( "no source addresses available" ); } Iterator ads = sourceAddress.iterator(); while (ads.hasNext()) { InetAddress ia = (InetAddress); HostConfiguration hc = getHostConfiguration(ia); int statusCode = -1; try { // We will retry up to 3 times. for (int attempt = 0; statusCode == -1 && attempt < 3; attempt++) { try { hMethod.recycle(); hMethod.setPath(this._targetPath.getValue()); // execute the method. statusCode = hClient.executeMethod(hc, hMethod); _testProcedureResult.passed( "TpHttp passed" ); } catch (HttpRecoverableException e) { System.out.println( className + ".runTp: A recoverable exception occurred, retrying. " + e.getMessage()); } } } catch (BindException e) { _testProcedureResult.failed( "TpHttp: Address not valid " + ia.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { _testProcedureResult.failed( "TpHttp failed" ); } } } }