Setup of example for JMETER-Proxy bug -------------------------------------- This is a small example to reconstuct the problem with the JMETER-PROXY. A simple client JAVA application calls a method of a remote service "JMeterTestService" that is deployed in an application server. On client side, it can be configured if PROXY should be turned ON or OFF (proxy host name and port can be configured). If the JMETER-Proxy is used, the following bug can be seen: The HTTP request has a smaller value on the client side than on the server side. You can observe this, when you inspect the "content-length" entries in logfile "jmetertest_clientside.log" on the client: HTTP REQUEST HEADERS: Content-Type: application/x-java-serialized-object User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/2.0.2 Host: localhost:9095 Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 265 and "jmetertest_serverside.log" on the server with entry: HTTP REQUEST HEADERS: content-length: 278 content-type: application/x-java-serialized-object host: user-agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/2.0.2 accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2 proxy-connection: keep-alive Proxy-Path-Translated: /opt/SUNWwbsvr/docs/test-cluster/JMeterTest/remoting/JMeterTestService Proxy-Path-Translated-Base: /opt/SUNWwbsvr/docs WL-Proxy-Client-IP: WL-Proxy-SSL: false Proxy-Client-IP: X-Forwarded-For: Connection: Keep-Alive WL-PATH-TRIM: /test-cluster X-WebLogic-Request-ClusterInfo: true X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs: 30 The following two JAVA projects are available (for client and server side): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) JMeterTest_ClientProject : JAVA project for a simple Client calling a method "helloWorld" at service "JMeterTestService". --- -- - log4j configuration file for client side -- src -- clientConfig.xml - configuration file for services and bean definitions -- jmetertest -- - contains main()-method with simple call of remote service "JMeterTestService" -- - interface of remote service "JMeterTestService" -- - own implementation of a HTTP request executor with PROXY-ON/OFF settings -- ... -- log -- jmetertest_clientside.log - clientside log file, will contain log4j output for the client -- lib - necessary JAR files on client side -- spring.jar, spring-beans.jar, log4j.jar, commons-logging.jar, commons-httpclient.jar b) JMeterTest_ServerProject : JAVA project for service "JMeterTestService", will be deployed as as WAR file in an application server. --- -- WEB-INF -- remoting-servlet.xml - definition file 1 for serverside services (in application server) -- web.xml - definition file 2 -- classes -- all *.class files - will be stored here when JAVA sources are compiled -- (copy) - will be copied form src directory also -- lib - necessary JAR files on server side -- spring-jar, spring-remoting.jar, commons-httpclient.jar, servlet.jar log4j.jar, commons-logging.jar -- src -- jmetertest -- -- -- - interface of remote service "JMeterTestService" -- - implementation for this service (returns a simple String value) -- (original) - log4j configuration file for server side Installation in eclispe with JDK 1.4.2_08 ----------------------------------------- A. Import project "JMeterTest_ClientProject" into eclipse. Set project properties: - In "Java Build Path", add all jar files from the "lib" directory here ("add jars" command) - In "Java Build Path", set "Default Output Folder" to directory "JMeterTest_ClientProject/bin" B. Import project "JMeterTest_ServerProject" into eclipse Set project properties: - In "Java Build Path", add all jar files from the "lib" directory here - In "Java Build Path", set "Default Output Folder" to directory "JMeterTest_ServerProject/WEB-INF/classes" C. Compile/Build both projects, so that class files are generated D. Deploy server application in an application server: - Create WAR file by executing the script "build_WAR_file.bat" in root directory of project "JMeterTest_ServerProject". This will create a WAR file "JMeterTest.war" (containing directory "WEB-INF" and directory "META-INF" with a manifest file. - You can now deploy the WAR file in an application server (for example,in a TOMCAT or a BEA WebLogic Server) F. Execute client JAVA application "SimpleClient.class" (calling the remote service) This class calls the remote service "JMeterTestService" in the application server which returns a simple String "Hello World". G. Inspect log files on both client and server sides: - client side: -- The logfile is in directory %JMeterTest_ClientProject%/log/jmetertest_clientside.log - server side: -- For TOMCAT, the logfile is in directory %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/jmetertest_clientside.log -- For BEA WebLogic, the logfile is in a directory of the NodeManager. Search for this file on your server installation. H. You can configure if, a PROXY is used on client side or not: Set boolean flag "MIT_PROXY" = true in JAVA file "JMeterTestHttpRequestExecutor" if PROXY server is to be used. In this case, you have to set String attribute "proxyHost" and integer attribute "proxyPort" to point to the PROXY. You will have to configure the JMETER Proxy to pass all intercepted traffic on to the remote host and port where the application server can be reached.