

Runs tallow from the Wix toolset


Attribute Description Required
source The single source directory to process. Either this or at least one nested <sources> set.
target The expected target file. Yes
vm Same as dotnetexec's vm attribute. Specify the framework to use. No.
wixHome Installation directory of WiX. No - Ant will assume WiX is on your PATH otherwise.

Parameters specified as nested elements


Specify source directories that shall be passed on the command line. This is a dirset.


Specifies additional arguments for talow

arg is a command line argument.


Create product.wxs from product directory:

      <tallow source="product" target="product.wxs"/>

Create product.wxs from bin,docs, and conf under product directory:

      <tallow target="bin.wxs"/>
        <sources dir="product", includes="bin,docs,conf"/>

Create product.wxs from bin,docs, and conf under product directory:, and set all files vital

      <tallow target="bin.wxs"/>
        <sources dir="product", includes="bin,docs,conf"/>
        <arg value="-dav"/>