Dimensions of Apartheid © Composed and written by Pieter L White Visit Dimensions of Apartheid Website | Jesurun Charity Website Page of Introduction Introduction Two bloodlines on the Earth and why the word "Apartheid"? There are definitely two bloodlines on this earth, shortly mentioned below under A & B-: Furthermore, five personal reasons are given to explain why the word "Apartheid" is used and forms part of the title of this book. TWO BLOODLINES A. On the one hand are those created in the Image of the God of Light, white men and women, called Adamites who later became tribesmen or tribes of Israel and in modern language " people" or Gentiles. These people can inherit (and are called for) the Kingdom of Heaven and to follow God - manifest in Jesus "Christus’ Immanuel. The word " Gentile" according to The Desk Standard Dictionary of the English Language; printed by Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York and London 1923; means- I One not a Jew. II A noun or an adjective donating a race or country III A member of a gens or a clan IV Latin "Gentilis’ By the same Dictionary the word " Gentility" means; I The quality of being genteel II Fashionable exclusiveness III Dignity of Birth IV The fashionable world; people of BREEDING collectively V French: "gentilité’ VI Latin: "gentilita’ (t-) s, < gentilis SEE gentle This Dictionary rightly refers to Latin because "Gentile" comes from the Latin word "Gentilis", meaning "of the same family or clan". These people are of Gentile birth from Adam and created in the Image of the God of Light. The Greek word for Gentile is "Ethnos" and always refers to a Race or a tribe! See G1672 connecting the word "Gentiles" with the pure White Greeks and G1484 and G1486 always used for a description of a particular race. B. Then there is a Race of Tares (Weeds) on this earth. They were planted by semen from the wicked one and thus not created in the Image and Likeness of the Creator God Almighty. Jesus "Christus" Immanuel explained the difference between these two races in Matthew 13:36-43. The one group He called the children of the Kingdom (Adamites in other words) and the other group or race He called "Tares" (Weeds) which are not of His Creation but came about by the deed of the wicked one. In Bible terms, for example in the Book of Jude these peoples are called "strange flesh" and that they are a "spot" (Blackness). Confirmation comes also from the declaration of the Creator Jesus "Christus" Immanuel that there are two sets of seeds on this earth. One must be destroyed by God and the other has a chance to repent and set themselves "Apart" through the "Apartheid" of God Almighty. Compare text between two translations for clarity. Matthew 13:36-43 (kjv) (38)The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one ( ); (39) The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. Matthew 13:36-43 (dansk) (36) Da forlod han Skarerne og gik ind i Huset; og hans Disciple kom til ham og sagde: "Forklar os Lignelsen om Ugræsset på Marken!" (37) Men han svarede og sagde: "Den, som sår den gode Sæd, er Menneskesønnen, (38) og Marken er Verden, og den gode Sæd er Rigets Børn, men Ugræsset er den Ondes Børn, (39) og Fjenden, som såede det, er Djævelen; og Høsten er Verdens Ende; og Høstfolkene ere Engle. (40) Ligesom nu Ugræsset sankes sammen og opbrændes med Ild, således skal det ske ved Verdens Ende. (41) Menneskesønnen skal udsende sine Engle, og de skulle sanke ud af hans Rige alle Forargelserne og dem, som gøre Uret; (42) og de skulle kaste dem i Ildovnen; der skal være Gråd og Tænders Gnidsel. (43) Da skulle de retfærdige skinne som Solen i deres Faders Rige. Den. Genesis 3:15 (dansk) (15) Jeg sætter Fjendskab mellem dig og Kvinden, mellem din Sæd og hendes Sæd; den skal knuse dit Hoved, og du skal hugge den i Hælen!" This fact of the two seeds that became two groups of nations in the world is the basis of the "Apartheid" process. On the one hand there is the White Caucasian race and on the other, a mixed black and yellow race called "Tares" by "Christus" and " Gog and Magog ( )" by the prophetical word of the Old Testament. When the Bible refers to "Nations" or "Generations" or "Gentiles" the serious Bible student must take the utmost care to find out in that chapter what kind of a race the script is referring to because the translators either did not know what they were doing or even worse, knew what they were doing but confused/ignored this on purpose! Compare this quote from the following: Certain medical and scientific facts about blood ( ) "The VS and V blood group polymorphisms in Africans: a serologic and molecular analysis, GL Daniels; BH Faas; CA Green; E Smart; PA Maaskant-van Wijk; ND Avent; HA Zondervan; AE von dem Borne; CE van der Schoot. BACKGROUND: VS and V are common red cell antigens in persons of African origin. The molecular background of these Rh system antigens is poorly understood. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Red cells from 100 black South Africans and 43 black persons from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, were typed serologically for various Rh system antigens. Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction and sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products were used to analyze C733G (Leu245Val) and G1006T (Gly336Cys) polymorphisms in exons 5 and 7 of RHCE and the presence of a D-CE hybrid exon 3. RESULTS: The respective frequencies of all VS+ and of VS+ V-(r's) phenotypes were 43 percent and 9 percent in the South Africans and 49 percent and 12 percent in the Dutch donors. All VS+ donors had G733 (Val245), but six with G733 were VS- (4 V+w, 2 V-). The four VS- V+w donors with G733 appeared to have a CE-D hybrid exon 5. T1006 (Cys336) was present in 12 percent and 16 percent of donors from the two populations. With only a few exceptions, T1006, a D-CE hybrid exon 3, and a C410T (Ala137Val) substitution were associated with a VS+ V-phenotype ((C)ces or r's haplotype). Two VS+ V-individuals, with the probable genotype, (C)ces/(C)ces), were homozygous for G733 and for T1006. CONCLUSIONS: It is likely that anti-VS and anti-V recognize the conformational changes created by Val245, but that anti-V is sensitive to additional conformational changes created by Cys336. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/ … 98440860.x http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/85/16/6002 Reconstruction of Human Evolution: Bringing Together Genetic, Archaeological, and Linguistic Data Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Alberto Piazza, Paolo Menozzi, and Joanna Mountain. The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies for "classical'' (non-DNA) polymorphisms of the world aborigines. The data was grouped in 42 populations studied for 120 alleles. The reconstruction of human evolutionary history thus generated was checked with statistical techniques such as ``boot-strapping.'' It changes some earlier conclusions and is in agreement with more recent ones, including published and unpublished DNA-marker results. The first split in the phylogenetic tree separates Africans from non-Africans, and the second separates two major clusters, one corresponding to Caucasoids, East Asians, Arctic populations, and American natives, and the other to Southeast Asians (mainland and insular), Pacific islanders, and New Guineans and Australians. Average genetic distances between the most important clusters are proportional to archaeological separation times. Linguistic families correspond to groups of populations with very few, easily understood overlaps, and their origin can be given a time frame. Linguistic super families show remarkable correspondence with the two major clusters, indicating considerable parallelism between genetic and linguistic evolution. The latest step in language development may have been an important factor determining the rapid expansion that followed the appearance of modern humans and the demise of Neanderthals". Click on these interesting articles on the internet: http://www.bloodbook.com/world-abo.html "There are racial and ethnic differences in Blood type and composition. The ABO Blood group system was discovered in 1901 and since it is of major importance in medicine, samples have been diligently collected from the most remote of people groups for a century. Of no other human characteristic is so much data available. Most populations have migrated and mixed. Unfortunately the reliability of the Blood data for assessing relationships between population groups is very limited. This is mostly due to the lack of availability of this important data. As the chart reveals, the frequency and purity of the four main ABO Blood groups varies in populations throughout the world. Great variation occurs in different groups within a given country; even a small country, as one ethnic group mixes, or not, with another. Publishing the ethnic differences in Blood type and the racial differences in Blood type is not, in the present-day world, considered to be politically correct. We compile and maintain this database through often time’s confidential sources. Every Blood gathering entity in the world must gather this information to stay in business, but almost every one of them is afraid to publish the racial and ethnic differences in Blood type, given the emotionally charged political climate. There is much more information on the subject. Please follow these links. http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodtype http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov http://www.socalredcross.org/socal http://www.nationalcordbloodprogram.org Based on the above information, it is clear that there is a vast difference between the blood of White persons and that of other races which could be the reason why the first Christians were instructed not to take blood ( (4) (4) Compare text between two translations for clarity. Acts 15:19-20 (kjv) (20) “they abstain from,……and from blood”. Acts 15:19-20 (dansk) (19) Derfor mener jeg, at man ikke skal besvære dem af Hedningerne, som omvende sig til Gud, (20) men skrive til dem, at de skulle afholde sig fra Besmittelse med Afguderne og fra Utugt og fra det kvalte og fra Blodet. ) from another person. Abstain from taking blood ( (5) (5) The soul is in the blood! See Acts 15:28-29 (dansk) (28) Thi det er den Helligånds Beslutning og vor, ingen videre Byrde at pålægge eder uden disse nødvendige Ting: (29) At I skulle afholde eder fra Afgudsofferkød og fra Blod og fra det kvalte og fra Utugt. Når I holde eder derfra, vil det gå eder godt. Leviticus 17:11 (dansk) (11) Thi Kødets Sjæl er i Blodet, og jeg har givet eder det til Brug på Alteret til at skaffe eders Sjæle Soning; thi det er Blodet, som skaffer Soning, fordi det er Sjælen. ) The gene pool of the race created by God Almighty in His Image and Likeness of Light (White) is sacred to Him and those people are called the "bearers of the vessels (pure genes DNA) of the Almighty God" explained in Isaiah 52:10-12. Those who worship Satan and heathen nations drink blood in rituals in order to allow the evil powers ("aliens") to enter their bodies. We must guard against blood transfusions because the soul of man and of animals are in the blood. Rather take blood plasma in an emergency as it contains white blood sells only and no red blood cells. "bearers of the vessels (pure genes DNA) of the Almighty God" Isaiah 52:10-12 Isaiah 52:10The LORD ( (6) (6) The word “Lord” is man-made and thus a Baal name (See chapter on Jehshush). Jehovah used in the Hebrew refers to God Almighty (El Shaddai) which is a better word than the general term Lord. We refer to Genesis 17:1 and Revelations 1:8 (Almighty). Genesis 17:1 (dansk) (1) Da Abram var ni og halvfemsindstyve År gammel, åbenbarede HERREN sig for ham og sagde til ham: "Jeg er Gud den Almægtige; vandre for mit Åsyn og vær ustraffelig, Revelations 1:8 (dansk) (8) Jeg er Alfa og Omega, siger Gud Herren, han, som er, og som var, og som kommer, den Almægtige. ) hath made bare his holy arm ( (7) (7) THE ARM OF GOD MEANS HIS BODY! FROM THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF HIS BODY A RACE WAS CREATED WHICH CARRIES THE SAME GENES AS GOD! Compare text between two translations for clarity. Isaiah 53:1-9 (kjv) (1)Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? Isaiah 53:1-9 (dansk) (1) Hvo troede det, vi hørte, for hvem åbenbaredes HERRENs Arm? (2) Han skød op som en Kvist for hans Åsyn, som et Rodskud af udtørret Jord, uden Skønhed og Pragt til at drage vort Blik, uden Ydre, så vi syntes om ham, (3) ringeagtet, skyet af Folk, en Smerternes Mand og kendt med Sygdom, en, man skjuler sit Ansigt for, agtet ringe, vi regned ham ikke. (4) Og dog vore Sygdomme bar han, tog vore Smerter på sig; vi regnede ham for plaget, slagen, gjort elendig af Gud. (5) Men han blev såret for vore Overtrædelser, knust for vor Brødres Skyld; os til Fred kom Straf over ham, vi fik Lægedom ved hans Sår. (6) Vi for alle vild som Får, vi vendte os hver sin Vej, men HERREN lod falde på ham den Skyld, der lå på os alle. (7) Han blev knust og bar det stille, han oplod ikke sin Mund som et Lam, der føres hen at slagtes, som et Får, der er stumt, når det klippes. han oplod ikke sin Mund. (8) Fra Trængsel og Dom blev han taget, men hvem i hans Samtid tænkte, da han reves fra de levendes Land, at han ramtes for mit Folks Overtrædelse? (9) Hos gudløse gav man ham Grav og Gravkammer hos den rige, endskønt han ej gjorde Uret, og der ikke var Svig i hans Mund. ) in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. Isaiah 52:10-12 (dansk) (10) Han blotter sin hellige Arm for al Folkenes Øjne, den vide Jord skal skue Frelsen fra vor Gud. (11) Bort, bort, drag ud derfra, rør ej noget urent, bort, tvæt jer, I, som bærer HERRENs Kar! (12) Thi i Hast skal I ej drage ud, I skal ikke flygte; nej, foran eder går HERREN, eders Tog slutter Israels Gud. WHY THE WORD "APARTHEID"? It took me almost thirty two years of study to get to the completion of this book. It all started after having received my first vision from God Almighty and still continues as I receive visions up to this day. 1. THE FIRST REASON The Mystical truth of "being set apart" was revealed to me by God through visions When I was twelve years old something very great and peculiar happened in my life. This incident led to a meeting with the living God Almighty. The result was my first vision and an instruction to preach the "Mysteries of the Gospel". This was the foundation of the knowledge I received from the Almighty Teacher during this period of thirty two years. My visions and teachings received from the Almighty Majesty in 1974 The visions (a) received from the Almighty (b) God the True Creator (c) of the Heaven and Earth, to the Lost Sheep (d) of the house of Jesurun (e) and the house of Israel (f) which live scattered (g) all over the world (h) amongst every nation under the heavens (i). Greetings to you according to Numbers 6:23-27 in the NAME (j) of JESUS "CHRISTUS" from Pieter Lodewyk White I received instructions from the Almighty to record the visions which commenced when I was about ten years old. It is my desire for you to receive the light of the Morningstar (k) in your heart and that you would discover the Spirit of Truth (l) which the world cannot receive (m) and which was spoken of through the mouth of Moses and the Prophets. He taught me after I requested Him in the Name of Jesus ""Christus"", the Only True God ( 1 John 5:20)to do so. He let the Morning-star (k) shine in my life, which is also available to those who are prepared to seek and find (o). That is the Spirit of Jesus "Christus" (p). (SEE BIBLE REFERENCES A-P ( (8) (8) a: ( Genesis 15:1, Daniel 10:1, Acts 10:10-11) b: ( 1 John 5:20, Isaiah 9:5) c: ( Hebrews 1:2,8-12, Colossians 1:15-16) d: ( Matthew 10:5-7, Isaiah 53:6, Jeremiah 50:6,17, Ezekiel 34:5,6,16,30,31, 1 Peter 2:25) e: ( Deuteronomy 32:15; Deuteronomy 33:5; Deuteronomy 33:26; Isaiah 44:1-6 ; Acts 15:14-21) Jesus people. f: ( Acts 2:36, Luke 1:33,54,55; John 10:1-16 ) g: ( James 1:1, 1 Peter 1:1, John 11:52, Joel 3:6) h: ( Acts 2:5-11, Acts 2:22, Genesis 28:3,14) i: ( Romans 9:1-3) j: ( Colossians 3:17, Acts 4:10-12, Matthew 1:19-23, Luke 1:31, John 17:6-9) k: ( 2 Peter 1:19, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Revelations 2:28, Revelations 22:16, 1 Timothy 3:16, Colossians 1:15, Colossians 2:9, John 1:1-14). l: ( John 14:17, John 15:26, John 16:13, Colossians 2:14, 1 John 4:6) m: ( John 17:6-9, John 14:14, Acts 16:6-8) n: ( 2 Peter 1:19-21, 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Peter 1:11, 2 Samuel 23:2, Luke 1:70, Acts 1:16, Acts 3:18) o: ( Luke 11:9-10, Genesis 32:28, Hosea 12:3-7) p: ( John 14:8-21, John 10:38, Revelations 1:18, Isaiah 44:6-8, Mark 8:12, John 4:24) )) In 1974 when John Voster was Prime Minister, I walked in the field one day with a stick, pretending to be a giant. I was overwhelmed with a feeling in my heart (q) of joy and delight (r) and started prophesying (s) out loud. I said that I was a "prince" of the Almighty God and that I belong to His nation (t) which He knew from eternity to eternity (u). I repeated the words five times and when I stopped, the Joy and delight in my heart (w) remained and I had Peace (x) within me. Thereafter I often wondered what it all meant, but never mentioned it to anyone. A few months later, television came to our house and my flesh was pleased, but it was not the same joy that was in my heart (y) because that pleasure did not last, but the joy in my heart lasted and is still with me today. Only later in my life did I understand (z) the meaning of these words. (SEE BIBLE REFERENCES Q-Z ( (9) (9) q: ( Acts 7:23, Acts 23:7) r: ( Luke 1:47, Acts 2:41, Acts 2:46, John 16:22-24, John 15:10-11, 2 Corinthians 2:3) s: ( 1 Corinthians 14:1-6, Luke 1:67) t: ( Luke 1:77, John 11:50-52, Isaiah 49:6-7, Romans 4:16-18) u: ( Luke 1:33, Luke 1:54-55, Genesis 17:7) v: ( Genesis 35:10-11, Revelations 1:6, Revelations 5:10, Revelations 20:5, Daniel 7:18) w: ( Acts 2:36-46) x: ( Luke 1:79, Isaiah 57:19, Ephesians 2:14,17, Isaiah 57:14-21, Isaiah 48:17-22, Jeremiah 8:11) y: ( Deuteronomy 10:16, Romans 2:29, Philipians 3:3, Colossians 2:11, 2 Corinthians 3:3, Jeremiah 31:33) z: ( Daniel 2:10, Daniel 11:32-35) )) When I was about twelve, I started receiving a number of important visions from the Almighty. My mother was a woman who prayed often and believed in God, in Jesus "Christus". Her anchor until her death, was the Bible. A coloured woman who lived on our property had a two-year old daughter who was neglected and my mother started caring for her. After a few weeks in her care, the child recovered miraculously and my mother advised that she was considering adopting the child. I said that her own people should adopt and raise her upon which we got into quite an argument. My stepfather asked what I would do, should I get to heaven and find her there. "Would you enter or turn around?", he asked. I was very shocked and embarrassed as I did not have the answers and therefore kept quiet and left. I walked into the field and by the time I realised where I was, I had already walked a few kilometres. I felt very alone and deserted and stood on an anthill. I lifted my face towards heaven and started praying the following prayer, although I had not to date prayed much more than the "Heavenly Father’s" prayer: " I pray to the Almighty God who created the heavens and earth, that if You are a Living God who I believed that You are, You would come down to the earth from Heaven and teach me the truth. I pray this in the Name of Jesus "Christus."" I felt relieved because once again I experienced that joyous feeling in my heart. It was a feeling of being supported, and not one of depression. I continued with my life as a child and three days later in the early hours of the morning, I awoke with the Glory of Jesus in my room. The entire wall was lit up at the bottom end of my bed. Behind me on my right stood a Heavenly being although I did not look back for I was too scared. He said to me: "Look". The light was too bright but then a soft shade came over which softened the light and cooled the heat. The Almighty’s voice said to me: "Here I am". I then saw a picture against the wall come alive wherein many varieties of tall trees in a forest appeared, all with different sizes and colours. Some were being squashed by taller trees and the wind of the soft shade moved the leaves. Between me and this forest was a stream with clean white rushing water, as if being "living" water. I saw that the water seperated me from the body of the Heavenly Power and the trees at the other end of the stream. A small, very bright and sharp light appeared in the middle and came closer and became larger until I could no longer look at it. The shade changed it into large white letters increasing in size until it towered above the trees. The letters were: Compare text between two translations for clarity. Ephesians 6:19 (kjv) (19)And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, Ephesians 6:19 (dansk) (19) også for mig, om at der må gives mig Ord, når jeg oplader min Mund, til med Frimodighed at kundgøre Evangeliets Hemmelighed, *MYSTERY as explained in the dictionary is the "secret" or Biblical symbol such as a hidden treasure (a). The GOSPEL is the salvation plan of God the Almighty for His people (b). The Almighty told me to read it in the Bible. This was the end of the vision and I felt exited. I was embarrassed for not even knowing where Ephesians wàs in the Bible. I told my mother about the vision. In the meantime the little girl had returned to her mother and that matter was no longer a distraction. What however worried me was that I did not understand the vision and a certain word in this text. Today I understand this vision, but certainly didn’t at the time. My mother was amazed but could not explain the vision to me and neither could anyone else tell me more about the "Mystery of the Gospel". I later realised that it had been very wrong of me to try to seek the explanation from others. I had to ask the Almighty’s forgiveness. He appeared to me and explained that He was THE GREAT "I AM" (c) and that I should have asked Him what the meaning of the vision was. I felt ashamed, but He forgave me and treated me like a father would, his son. He told me to fast for three days and that He would answer any question which I may have through visions, teachings and dreams. From then on and until this day, this has been the case. He has answered every question of mine and has been teaching me for the past thirty years. He is the Teacher of all things and teaches both of the past and of the future. There is nothing which He cannot explain, because everything came about through Him, and by Him were they created (d). Every time the Almighty appeared to me He said "HERE I AM" or "IT IS ME" OR "I AM" (c) Later in my life I learnt to know Jesus "Christus’ as the GREAT "I AM" (e). I learned that the Mysteries of the Gospel are not for everyone (f). I learned that Jesus "Christus’ is the First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega the Almighty God (g). From the start I used a normal Afrikaans Bible which I still use. He revealed the answers to me from Genesis up to Revelation and each time my mind and heart was opened (h) and I understood and my knowledge increased (i). (SEE BIBLE REFERENCES A –I ( (10) (10) a: ( Matthew 13:44) b: ( Matthew 1:21, Acts 4:8-13, Acts 13:17,23-24,32-39, Acts 5:30-31) c: ( Exodus 3; John 8:23-25) d: ( Romans 11:33-36, John 17:5, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Colossians 1:15-16, Hebrews 1:1-2, John 1:3, Ephesians 3:9, John 1:14) e: ( John 1:1-14, John 17:5, Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:15-17, 1 John 1:1, Luke 24:44) f: ( Mark 4:11-12, Colossians 4:3, Romans 11:25-29) g: ( John 8:23-24, Deuteronomy 32:39 Isaiah 41:4, Isaiah 48:12, Revelations 1:8,18, Exodus 3:14, Exodus 6:1-4, John 8:58, Hebrews 13:8, Revelations 1:4, Revelations 4:8, Matthew 22:32) h: ( Hebrews 8:10, 1 Corinthians 14:15, Psalms 47:1-10, Jeremiah 31:33) i: ( 1 Corinthians 14:6, 1 Corinthians 12:8, Daniel 11:32-34, Hosea 6 Isaiah 5:13, Isaiah 1:3, Daniel 12:10). )) Accordingly, these mysteries of the gospel are explained throughout this book. 1.God’s true people alone are saved Romans 11:25-27 (dansk) (25) Thi jeg vil ikke, Brødre! at I skulle være uvidende om denne Hemmelighed, for at I ikke skulle være kloge i eders egne Tanker, at Forhærdelse delvis er kommen over Israel, indtil Hedningernes Fylde er gået ind; (26) og så skal hele Israel frelses, som der er skrevet: "Fra Zion skal Befrieren komme, han skal afvende Ugudeligheder fra Jakob; (27) og dette er min Pagt med dem, når jeg borttager deres Synder." 2.The One True God was manifested in the Flesh 1 Timothy 3:16 (dansk) (16) Og uden Modsigelse stor er den Gudsfrygtens Hemmelighed: Han, som blev åbenbaret i Kød, blev retfærdiggjort i Ånd, set af Engle, prædiket iblandt Hedninger, troet i Verden, optagen i Herlighed. 2. THE SECOND REASON The word "Apartheid" or "setting apart’ is a Biblical truth We can clearly read the will of our Heavenly Father from Genesis through to Revelation. Many will however come to our Lord Jesus "Christus’ at the time of reckoning when He will tell them that HE never knew them. In other words, He had never met them! Only when we really pay attention to what we read, can we clearly see this when Jesus "Christus’ Immanuel describes this terrible event in His own words. Matthew 7:21-27 (dansk) (21) Ikke enhver, som siger til mig: Herre, Herre! skal komme ind i Himmeriges Rige, men den, der gør min Faders Villie, som er i Himlene. (22) Mange skulle sige til mig på hin Dag: Herre, Herre! have vi ikke profeteret ved dit Navn, og have vi ikke uddrevet onde Ånder ved dit Navn, og have vi ikke gjort mange kraftige Gerninger ved dit Navn? (23) Og da vil jeg bekende for dem Jeg kendte eder aldrig; viger bort fra mig, I, som øve Uret! (24) Derfor, hver den, som hører disse mine Ord og gør efter dem, ham vil jeg ligne ved en forstandig Mand, som byggede sit Hus på Klippen, (25) og Skylregnen faldt, og Floderne kom, og Vindene blæste og sloge imod dette Hus, og det faldt ikke; thi det var grundfæstet på Klippen. (26) Og hver den, som hører disse mine Ord og ikke gør efter dem, skal lignes ved en Dåre, som byggede sit Hus på Sandet, (27) og Skylregnen faldt, og Floderne kom, og Vindene blæste og stødte imod dette Hus, og det faldt, og dets Fald var stort." The fact of the matter is that if a true believer is not "SET APART" on the Rock of Salvation and "SET APART" to do the will of the Eternal Heavenly Father, he/she cannot enter eternal life or inherit the Kingdom of heaven. The description of the different dimensions of "setting yourself apart" appears in a variety of phrases and dialogues throughout the entire Bible. In this book these various dimensions "of setting thyself apart" for God in Jesus "Christus’ Immanuel, is explained. Reference is made to the Old and New Testaments, were applicable. The true believers were persecuted and prosecuted throughout history because they desired to "set themselves apart" for God and His Laws and the Prophetical Word in Jesus "Christus’ Immanuel. These people were called rebels against the church because they opposed mixed marriages and false doctrines. The persecutions led these believers to flee Europe and most ended up in the Cape of Good Hope. After a while the false churches followed them and again wanted to implement integration and false doctrines. In the Cape those true believers became known as "Voortrekkers" which means "to be the first to move away". These people and their children strove to set themselves apart from influences removed from the will of the Eternal Father and the testimony of the Father in Jesus "Christus’ Immanuel. The following story as a parable of the true future, points also to this flight of a very small remnant of believers from Babylon (Europe) to the wilderness (South Africa). Compare text between two translations for clarity. Revelations 12:1-17 (kjv) (1)And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman (11) (11) “A WOMAN” in Bible prophetical symbolism is always a nation or a Congregation clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: (12) (12) Symbolic that this group of people originated from the 12 tribes of Israel (17)And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (13) (13) They, the remnant of her seed (descendants) sing the song of Moses (‘Apartheid’) and the song of the Lamb. Compare Revelations 15:1-5 below. Revelations 12:1-17 (dansk) (1) Og et stort Tegn blev set i Himmelen: en Kvinde, iklædt Solen og med Månen under sine Fødder og en Krans af tolv Stjerner på sit Hoved. (2) Og hun var frugtsommelig og skreg i Barnsnød, under Fødselsveer. (3) Og et andet Tegn blev set i Himmelen, og se, der var en stor, ildrød Drage, som havde syv Hoveder og ti Horn og på sine Hoveder syv Kroner. (4) Og dens Hale drog Tredjedelen af Himmelens Stjerner med sig og kastede dem på Jorden. Og Dragen stod foran Kvinden, som skulde føde, for at sluge hendes Barn, når hun havde født det. (5) Og hun fødte et Drengebarn, som skal vogte alle Folkeslagene med en Jernstav; og hendes Barn blev bortrykket til Gud og til hans Trone. (6) Og Kvinden flyede ud i Ørkenen,hvor hun har et Sted beredt fra Gud, for at man skal ernære hende der eet Tusinde, to Hundrede og tresindstyve Dage. (7) Og der blev en Kamp i Himmelen: Mikael og hans Engle gave sig til at kæmpe imod Dragen, og Dragen kæmpede og dens Engle. (8) Men de magtede det ikke, og deres Sted fandtes ikke mere i Himmelen. (9) Og den store Drage blev nedstyrtet; den gamle Slange, som kaldes Djævelen og Satan, som forfører den hele Verden, blev nedstyrtet på Jorden, og hans Engle bleve nedstyrtede med ham. (10) Og jeg hørte en høj Røst i Himmelen sige: Nu er Frelsen og Kraften og Riget blevet vor Guds, og Magten hans Salvedes; thi nedstyrtet er vore Brødres Anklager, som anklagede dem for vor Gud Dag og Nat. (11) Og de have overvundet ham i Kraft af Lammets Blod og i Kraft af deres Vidnesbyrds Ord; og de elskede ikke deres Liv, lige til Døden. (12) Derfor, fryder eder, I Himle, og I, som bo i dem! Ve Jorden og Havet! thi Djævelen er nedstegen til eder og har stor Vrede, fordi han ved, at han kun har liden Tid. (13) Og da Dragen så, at den var styrtet til Jorden, forfulgte den Kvinden, som havde født Drengebarnet. (14) Og den støre Ørns tvende Vinger bleve givne Kvinden, for at hun skulde flyve til Ørkenen, til sit Sted, der hvor hun næres en Tid og Tider og en halv Tid, borte fra Slangen. (15) Og Slangen spyede Vand som en Flod ud af sin Mund efter Kvinden for at bortskylle hende med Floden. (16) Og Jorden kom Kvinden til Hjælp; og Jorden åbnede sin Mund og opslugte Floden, som Dragen havde udspyet af sin Mund. (17) Og Dragen vrededes på Kvinden og gik bort for at føre Krig imod de øvrige af hendes Sæd, dem, som holde Guds Bud og have Jesu Vidnesbyrd. The last verse (17) of Revelations 12 sums it up rather nicely. These people of God have set themselves apart to "Keep the commandments of God" as His will is described therein and the "testimony of Jesus Christ", which is the testimony to tell the world who He really is, namely God Himself manifested in the flesh! After three hundred years, this small group of people became known as the people of "Apartheid". Today, in modern times "Apartheid" is a word known in every country and every nation and every tongue. Although almost everybody knows what "Apartheid" means and what it stands for, what they do not know is that the Bible has only one God who has also set a race of people "Apart for Himself". "Apartheid" - political and Biblical The politics of a true believer is based on that person’s faith in the entire Bible. So, for the true believer in the Bible of God, only the politics described by God is what such person must adhere to. The unbeliever wants politics and the Bible to be separated so that they can lie, deceive and perform unlawfulness while they blind the masses through propaganda to control them and to milk them and to eventually destroy them. Synonyms of "Apartheid" To be set apart Separately Separated Independently Individually In Isolation Segregation Solitarily Turned Aside Holy Sanctified Sacred Consecrated Sacrosanct Revered Untouchable Follow God and not men Dwell Alone All these Synonyms can be bound together in this one word, namely "Holiness" and "Holiness’ and "Holy’ in Hebrew, in turn means "Separation’ and "Apartheid". Leviticus 11:44-45 (dansk) (44) thi jeg er HERREN eders Gud, og I skal hellige eder og være hellige, thi jeg er hellig. Gør eder ikke urene ved noget som helst Kryb, der rører sig på Jorden; (45) thi jeg er HERREN, der førte eder op fra Ægypten for at være eders Gud; I skal være hellige, thi jeg er hellig! Compare text between two translations for clarity. Psalms 29:2 (kjv) (2)Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. Psalms 29:2 (dansk) (2) giver HERREN hans Navns Ære; tilbed HERREN i helligt Skrud! There IS Beauty in "Apartheid’! 3. THE THIRD REASON The two songs of the true faith underwrite "Apartheid" The true believers who have set themselves "Apart" are victorious over the Beast and the Antichrist and these true believers’ faith is encompassed in two songs! These are described in Revelations 15. Revelations 15:2-3 (dansk) (2) Og jeg så som et Glarhav, blandet med Ild, og dem, som sejrende gik ud af Kampen med Dyret og dets Billede og dets Navns Tal, stående ved Glarhavet og holdende Guds Harper. (3) Og de sang Mose, Guds Tjeners, Sang, og Lammets Sang, og sagde: Store og vidunderlige ere dine Gerninger, Herre, Gud, du Almægtige! retfærdige og sande' ere dine Veje, du Folkeslagenes Konge! The two songs are the song of Moses, describing "Apartheid’ in Deuteronomy 32, and in Deuteronomy 31:29-30 it was foretold, that the song of Moses (Apartheid) must be part of the true faith until the end! Compare text between two translations for clarity. Deuteronomy 31:29-30 (kjv) (29)For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the latter days; because ye will do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger through the work of your hands. Deuteronomy 31:29-30 (dansk) (29) Thi jeg ved, at når jeg er død, vil t handle ilde og vige bort fra den Vej, jeg har anvist eder, og Ulykken skal ramme eder i de kommende Tider, fordi l gør, hvad der er ondt i HERRENs Øjne, og krænker ham med eders Hænders Gerning." (30) Derpå fremsagde Moses denne Sang fra Ende til anden for hel Israels Forsamling: In the two verses quoted below from the song of Moses, lies the proof of the God of Separation (Apartheid): Deuteronomy 32:8-9 (dansk) (8) Da den Højeste gav Folkene Eje, satte Skel mellem Menneskenes Børn, bestemte han Folkenes Grænser efter Tallet på Guds Sønner, (9) men HERRENs Del blev Jakob, Israel hans tilmålte Lod. (From the song of Moses) 4. THE FOURTH REASON The Only One God is a God requiring the setting apart of His people If you do not believe that Jesus "Christus’ Immanuel is the great "I AM" of the Old Testament, in other words that HE alone is the God Almighty of the Old Testament, you will die in your sins without His help! John 8:23-25 (dansk) (23) Og han sagde til dem: "I ere nedenfra, jeg er ovenfra; I ere af denne Verden, jeg er ikke af denne Verden. (24) Derfor har jeg sagt eder, at I skulle dø i eders Synder; thi dersom I ikke tro, at det er mig, skulle I dø i eders Synder." (25) De sagde da til ham: "Hvem er du?" Og Jesus sagde til dem: "Just det, som jeg siger eder. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh, also is He the Only God and Eternal Heavenly Omnipresent Father, the God of Apartheid. (This is who Jesus was as child and still is) Isaiah 9:6 (dansk) (6) Thi et Barn er født os, en Søn er os givet, på hans Skulder skal Herredømmet hvile; og hans Navn skal være: Underfuld Rådgiver, Vældig Gud, Evigheds Fader, Fredsfyrste. John 14:6-10 (dansk) (6) Jesus siger til ham: "Jeg er Vejen og Sandheden og Livet; der kommer ingen til Faderen uden ved mig. (7) Havde I kendt mig, da havde I også kendt min Fader; og fra nu af kende I ham og have set ham." (8) Filip siger til ham: "Herre! vis os Faderen, og det er os nok." (9) Jesus siger til ham: "Så lang en Tid har jeg været hos eder, og du kender mig ikke, Filip? Den, som har set mig, har set Faderen; hvorledes kan du da sige: Vis os Faderen? (10) Tror du ikke, at jeg er i Faderen, og Faderen er i mig? De Ord, som jeg siger til eder, taler jeg ikke af mig selv; men Faderen, som bliver i mig, han gør sine Gerninger. 5. THE FITH AND LAST REASON God’s love story for His "own, set aside people" The greatest Love story of these truths is unfolding as being the one God of Israel’s Love for His own people in the world and not for the entire world, as many wrongly believe! John 13:1 (dansk) (1) Men før Påskehøjtiden, da Jesus vidste, at hans Time var kommen, til at han skulde gå bort fra denne Verden til Faderen, da, ligesom han havde elsket sine egne, som vare i Verden, så elskede han dem indtil Enden. The reference to, and interpretation of, John 3:16 that God loves all the peoples of the world, just as they are, is a great and ugly lie! The Almighty God Loves only His Creation (although corrupted) and He is looking forward to restore His creation. This was made possible by His manifestation in the flesh, the Son of Man and His body Jesus "Christus’ Immanuel. God wants to restore His Creation which He cursed because of the fall of man. Adam (man) was created in the image of the only God of Light and blessed together with the rest of Creation, but all the natural Creation became cursed after the downfall of Adam (man). Genesis 3:17-19 (dansk) (17) Og til Adam sagde han: "Fordi du lyttede til din Hustrus Tale og spiste af Træet, som jeg sagde, du ikke måtte spise af, skal Jorden være forbandet for din Skyld; med Møje skal du skaffe dig Føde af den alle dit Livs Dage; (18) Torn og Tidsel skal den bære dig, og Markens Urter skal være din Føde; (19) i dit Ansigts Sved skal du spise dit Brød, indtil du vender tilbage til Jorden; thi af den er du taget; ja, Støv er du, og til Støv skal du vende tilbage!" This Love for His own people lies therein that He wants to restore them, (those who truly have the correct faith), together with the Creation as a New Earth and New Heavens. God Almighty loves only the seed of His Creation and hates those who came through intercourse with the fallen Angel and who He will destroy. That concludes this Introduction and again I want to give all the glory and honour to Jesus "Christus’ Immanuel for all the words and knowledge provided to write this book. Amen.