1.) path (no) config (no) war(no) http://localhost:8080/manager/html/deploy?deployPath=&deployConfig=&deployWar= Current Result: FAIL - Invalid context path was specified Invalid Case: 2.) path (no) config (no) war(yes) http://localhost:8080/manager/html/deploy?deployPath=&deployConfig=&deployWar=C%3A%5CPlayground.war Current Result: FAIL - Invalid context path was specified Valid Case: path can be derived from war 3.) path (no) config (yes) war(no) http://localhost:8080/manager/html/deploy?deployPath=&deployConfig=C%3A%5Ccontext.xml&deployWar= Current Result: FAIL - Invalid context path was specified Invalid Case: Don't know where the copy should be copied to. Maybe Valid Case if we know how to extract the //Context@path attribute from the context.xml 4.) path (no) config (yes) war(yes) http://localhost:8080/manager/html/deploy?deployPath=&deployConfig=C%3A%5Ccontext.xml&deployWar=C%3A%5CPlayground.war Current Result: FAIL - Invalid context path was specified Valid Case: 1. path can be derived from war, 2. war gets deployed, 3. config gets deployed and maybe overwrites an already existing context.xml from war file 5.) path (yes) config (no) war(no) http://localhost:8080/manager/html/deploy?deployPath=%2FPlayground&deployConfig=&deployWar= Current Result: FAIL - Failed to deploy application at context path /Playground Invalid Case: Nothing to deploy, Either need a config or a war or both 6.) path (yes) config (no) war(yes) http://localhost:8080/manager/html/deploy?deployPath=%2FPlayground&deployConfig=&deployWar=C%3A%5CPlayground.war Current Result: OK - Deployed application at context path /Playground Valid Case: war gets deployed to path 7.) path (yes) config (yes) war(no) http://localhost:8080/manager/html/deploy?deployPath=%2FPlayground&deployConfig=C%3A%5Ccontext.xml&deployWar= Current Result: FAIL - Deployed application at context path /Playground but context failed to start Valid Case: config gets deployed for path 8.) path (yes) config (yes) war(yes) http://localhost:8080/manager/html/deploy?deployPath=%2FPlayground&deployConfig=C%3A%5Ccontext.xml&deployWar=C%3A%5CPlayground.war Current Result: OK - Deployed application at context path /Playground Valid Case: 1. war gets deployed, 2. config gets deployed and maybe overwrites an already existing context.xml from war file