Execute a series of concurrent valuations false true CalculateFees 1 = CalculatePerformanceDetails 1 = DriverURL jdbc:jtds:sqlserver: = DatabasePort 1433 = UseMiddleTierValuationEngine 0 = MiddleTierRequestTimeout 500000 = PricePropagationMode 2 = PCOQuality 5 = ValueDate 2011-07-21 = ReportingDate 2011-07-21 12:30:08.337 = Database HSPAD_MI_440_SSD = DatabaseHost GAIA = DatabaseUser sa = DatabasePassword sa2008 = Pfo_1 1548 = Pfo_2 1611 = Pfo_3 1613 = CutOff Nr 11249, 2011-07-2 / 2011-07-21 12:30:08.337 / DailyNAV Estimate / Within Price Cut-Off false 5000 ${DriverURL}//${DatabaseHost}:${DatabasePort}/${Database} net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver true ${DatabasePassword} 25 10000 60000 ${DatabaseUser} 4096 Connect to local HSPAD_Demo_CO and set its isolation mode to SNAPSHOT (4096) and disable auto commit. continue false 3 3 0 1316530469000 1316530469000 false WorkBench Concurrent Valuation Test Plan PCO Valuation continue false 1 1 1 1320821253000 1320821253000 false 1 0 UPDATE T_SettingGlobal SET UseMiddleTierValuationEngine=?, MiddleTierRequestTimeout=? ${UseMiddleTierValuationEngine}, ${MiddleTierRequestTimeout} BIT, INTEGER Prepared Update Statement Commit 1 0 0 Update Statement DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS Update Statement DBCC FREEPROCCACHE true Update Statement BEGIN TRAN COMMIT TRAN false Callable Statement PfoVal_Recalculate ?, ?, 1 ${Pfo_1}, ${PfoValInstance} INTEGER, INTEGER true groovy import groovy.sql.Sql import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.jdbc.config.DataSourceElement try { // build Pfo List println("Building Portfolio List") def pfoList = "<PfoList>" def pfoNr = 1 def pfo = vars.get("Pfo_" + pfoNr) while(pfo != null) { println("Pfo: $pfo"); pfoList = pfoList + "<Pfo ID='$pfo' EmptyValuation='true' PropagatePrice='true'/>" pfoNr++ pfo = vars.get("Pfo_" + pfoNr) } pfoList = pfoList + "</PfoList>" vars.put("PfoListXML", pfoList) } catch (Exception e) { println(e.toString()); } CreatePriceCutOff ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ${__threadNum},${ValueDate},${PCOQuality},${ReportingDate},]NULL[,${PCO},${PfoListXML},${PricePropagationMode} VARCHAR, DATE, INTEGER,TIMESTAMP,INTEGER,OUT INTEGER,CLOB,INTEGER Callable Statement Prepared Select Statement select Nr from PfoValInstance where Pfo=? AND PriceCutOff=? ${Pfo_1},${PCO} INTEGER,INTEGER PfoValInstance DeletePriceCutOff ? ${PCO} INTEGER Callable Statement ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} false Commit Commit the transaction of the valuation false ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok}==false false Rollback false false saveConfig false true false false false true false false false false false false true false false false false false 0 false saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false true false false false false false 0 true false saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false true false false false false false 0 true