false true continue false 1 1 1 1391050120000 1391050120000 false false ${ServerIP} /auth/v2/${accountName} PUT true false true false HttpClient4 false X-Auth-Admin-User ${X-Auth-Admin-User} X-Auth-Admin-Key ${X-Auth-Admin-Key} X-Account-Suffix ${X-Account-Suffix} false true false = ${ServerIP} /auth/v2/${accountName}/${accountUser} PUT true false true false HttpClient4 false X-Auth-Admin-User ${X-Auth-Admin-User} X-Auth-Admin-Key ${X-Auth-Admin-Key} X-Auth-User-Key rootroot X-Auth-User-Reseller-Admin true false true false = ${ServerIP} /v1.0 GET true false true false HttpClient4 false true Token X-Auth-Token: (.*) $1$ not found 1 X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk8b23f17874ba425490e802ed9dd65995 x-auth-user ${accountName}:${accountUser} x-auth-key rootroot false true false = ${ServerIP} /v1/AUTH_${X-Account-Suffix}/${containerName} PUT true false true false HttpClient4 false x-auth-token ${Token} false ${ServerIP} /v1.0 GET true false true false HttpClient4 false true Token X-Auth-Token: (.*) $1$ not found 1 X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk8b23f17874ba425490e802ed9dd65995 x-auth-user ${accountName}:${accountUser} x-auth-key rootroot x-auth-token-new ${X-Auth-Token-New} x-auth-token-lifetime ${X-Auth-Token-Lifetime} 1000 false ${ServerIP} /v1.0 GET true false true false HttpClient4 false true Token X-Auth-Token: (.*) $1$ not found 1 X-Auth-Token: AUTH_tk8b23f17874ba425490e802ed9dd65995 x-auth-user ${accountName}:${accountUser} x-auth-key rootroot false print("*********************ToKen*********************"); print("${Token}"); ${__setProperty(Token, ${Token})}; ${__setProperty(TokenReady, True)}; 100 0 50 3600 50 false -1 continue false import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; byte[] encodedUsernamePassword = Base64.encodeBase64(".riouser:rootroot".getBytes()); vars.put("base64HeaderValue",new String(encodedUsernamePassword)); throughput 32000.0 0.0 1 true 1 ${tsFileLocation}${tsfile} ${ServerIP} ${BucketName}/case4_type3/${UUID}-${tsfile} PUT true false true false HttpClient4 false X-Fanout-Copy-Count 1 Authorization Basic ${base64HeaderValue} \n ${tsFileLocation}${tsFileNames} false true shareMode.thread false tsfilepath UUID tsfile ${__UUID()} ${tsfilepath} false "${IncludeRead}"=="True" false 1 false 1 ${InstantReadOperationPercentage} ${ServerIP} ${BucketName}/case4_type3/${UUID}-${tsfile} GET true false true false HttpClient4 false X-Fanout-Copy-Index 0 ${tsFileLocation}${tsfile} ${ServerIP} /v1/AUTH_${X-Account-Suffix}/${containerName}/${UUID}-${tsfile} PUT true false true false HttpClient4 false ${tsFileLocation}${tsfile} X-Auth-Token ${__property(Token)} \n ${tsFileLocation}${tsFileNames} false true shareMode.thread false tsfilepath UUID tsfile ${__UUID()} ${tsfilepath} false "${IncludeRead}"=="True" false 1 false 1 ${InstantReadOperationPercentage} ${ServerIP} /v1/AUTH_${X-Account-Suffix}/${containerName}/${UUID}-${tsfile} GET true false true false HttpClient4 false X-Auth-Token ${__property(Token)} true true false saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false false false false false false false 0 true true /home/cosben/cos_download/Sean_A_Rio2_Case10_report-${__time(yyyy-MM-dd,)}-${__time(HH_mm_ss,)}.csv AAA_case4_report-${__time(yyyy-MM-dd,)}-${__time(HH_mm_ss,)}.csv true ServerIP auth01.v2pc-sean.com = BucketName /rio/BucketRio = Bucketname or full path of the url tsFileLocation /home/cosben/cos_upload/2bill/ = /auto/Arroyo/cos_upload/ tsFileNames 2bill.csv = X-Rio-CC1 100 = % allocation of X-Rio-WriteType3-CopyCount IncludeRead True = InstantReadOperationPercentage 5 = % allocation for instant read requests ReadOperationFile /home/cosben/cos_download/Rio_Out.log = WriteURLsToFolder /home/cosben/cos_download/ = MetricsFolder /home/cosben/cos_download/metrics/ = accountName jmt_swift_account1 = accountUser jmt_swift_user1 = X-Account-Suffix jmx1 = X-Auth-Admin-User .super_admin = X-Auth-Admin-Key rootroot = containerName jmt_cont = X-Auth-Token-New true = X-Auth-Token-Lifetime 86400 = Swift_Write 50 = objectName jmt_obj = true saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false false true false false false true 0 true true true