false true false continue false 2 1 1 false QueueConnectionFactory dynamicQueues/TestQueue 2 false false 100 org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory tcp://localhost:61616 false TXNID "txnId":"(.+?)" $1$ NOT_FOUND 1 ${__jexl3("${TXNID}"!="NOT_FOUND")} false true 1 false 1 ThroughputController.percentThroughput 50.0 0.0 true true 200 OK Dummy Sampler used to simulate requests and responses without actual network activity. This helps debugging tests. Dummy Sampler used to simulate requests and responses without actual network activity. This helps debugging tests. ${__Random(50,500)} ${__Random(1,50)} ${__Random(1,5)} true String txnid = vars.get("TXNID"); log.info("Inside Controller 1: TXNID: "+txnid); groovy 1 false 1 ThroughputController.percentThroughput 50.0 0.0 true true 200 OK Dummy Sampler used to simulate requests and responses without actual network activity. This helps debugging tests. Dummy Sampler used to simulate requests and responses without actual network activity. This helps debugging tests. ${__Random(50,500)} ${__Random(1,50)} ${__Random(1,5)} true String txnid = vars.get("TXNID"); log.info("Inside Controller 2 TXNID: "+txnid); groovy false saveConfig true true true true true true true false true true false false false true false false false true 0 true true true true true