@@ -, +, @@ /** * Calls to getSeries().add(series) or to getSeries().remove(series) may corrupt * the workbook. *

* Instead, use the following methods: *

* * @return */ @Deprecated public List getSeries() { return series; } public final int getSeriesCount() { return series.size(); } public final Series getSeries(int n) { return series.get(n); } public final void removeSeries(int n) { final String procName="removeSeries"; if(n<0 || n>=series.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s(%d): illegal index",procName,n)); series.remove(n); _removeSeries(n); } /** * This method should be made abstract and implemented in every class that extends XDDFChartData. *

* A typical implementation would be * *

    protected void _removeSeries(int n) {
* * @param n */ protected void _removeSeries(int n) { throw new RuntimeException("_removeSeries is not yet implemented for class "+getClass().getSimpleName()); }