Mon Jun 17 2024 17:13:21 UTC
There is no try, only do
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29 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
39771 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- BCEL 5.2 is not source compatible with 5.1 2007-03-29
43367 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- MethodGen.setMaxLocals() calculates too small max locals, which results in a ClassFormatError when loading the modified class 2011-03-15
45217 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- MethodGen: LocalVariableTableGen issues 2008-06-16
49278 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- Branch target offset too large for short 2010-05-12
50443 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- LVTT entry for 'ht' does not match any LVT entry 2010-12-09
51013 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- Incorrect link for Jasmin assembler language 2011-04-01
51661 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- Add support for INVOKEDYNAMIC and MethodHandles, et. al. 2012-08-26
51801 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- Eclipse debugger fails on BCEL-instrumented methods having generic local variables. 2011-09-12
52441 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- InstructionTargeters not being properly cleaned up. 2012-01-09
52468 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- Invalid LocalVariableTable and LineNumberTable after modifying instruction list 2012-02-04
52880 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- Incorporate patch file from Findbugs? 2012-03-11
52980 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- getAnnotationEntries methods in JavaClass and FieldOrMethod duplicate code 2012-03-23
53991 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- Stack map table problem with in JDK7 (java.lang.VerifyError: Expecting a stack map frame in method) 2012-10-11
41069 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- array elements' type not always verified by JustIce 2008-02-07
46254 BCEL - N Main issues NEW --- InstructionFactory, design issue, createDUP returns static reference 2008-11-21
38057 BCEL - N Main issues ASSI --- There shouldn't be a singleton Repository instance 2006-03-02
44212 BCEL - N Main issues ASSI --- Type of 'this' on instantiation of MethodGen from existing Method 2008-01-11
24351 BCEL - N Main issues ASSI --- PUTFIELD check erraneous 2006-03-10
26839 BCEL - N Main issues ASSI --- JustIce - array store type checks stricter than native verifier 2006-03-01
33549 BCEL - N Main issues REOP --- LocalVariableTypeTable seems not to be updated like LocalVariableTable 2009-02-16
18482 BCEL - N Main issues REOP --- JustIce Pass3bVerifier Verifies Exception Handlers too often 2006-03-24
24334 BCEL - N Main issues REOP --- Verifier: Superclass methods are not searched when JustIce looks for an implementation 2006-03-24
42552 BCEL - N Main issues NEED --- Thread safety + unbuffered writes 2010-01-10
42612 BCEL - N Main issues NEED --- accessing full signatures of local variables that contain generics 2008-02-02
43106 BCEL - N Main issues NEED --- Problem with JAXB if the bcel classloader is used 2008-02-02
43955 BCEL - N Main issues NEED --- Added a functinality to throw a classNotfoundException 2008-02-02
44083 BCEL - N Main issues NEED --- Problems with LVTT 2010-01-10
46722 BCEL - N Main issues NEED --- problem using bcel in jdk15 2010-01-10
24273 BCEL - N Main issues NEED --- ReferenceType.getFirstCommonSuperclass: Does not recognize UninitializedObjectType 2006-03-01
29 bugs found.
