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83 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
47658 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- no method to autosize rows 2020-03-08
54758 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- [PATCH] ConditionalFormattingRule: "stopIfTrue" attribute is missing 2020-09-25
56146 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- coerceValueToString does not return an empty string when given a MissingArgEval parameter 2019-04-19
56254 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- [PATCH] Reference to named range that does not exist causes exception 2016-06-20
57184 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Missing Formula support for External References 2021-09-29
57214 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Image getting shrunk when column width is decreased using POI API 2015-03-22
57985 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- setRepeatingRows not working with merged rows 2019-01-06
58131 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Conditional Formatting Evaluation 2017-02-24
58149 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Support Office 2010 extensions to Conditional Formatting 2016-06-15
58150 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Support Conditional Formatting filters (Top/Bottom rules) 2019-01-06
58331 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- [PATCH] Several Ptg updates: AreaPtg(String) is deprecated, replace ErrorConstants with FormulaError, remove hard-coded strings 2015-09-05
58348 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Add support for copying rows 2015-11-02
58402 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Rework AreaReference implementation details and tests 2015-12-12
58403 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Require SpreadsheetVersion on CellRangeAddress.isFullColumnRange and isFullRowRange 2015-10-31
58432 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Sheet and Row iterators expose remove method which does not correctly remove the row or cell 2015-09-21
58460 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Cell.getDateCellValue() does not document special case when cell value is between 0 and 1 2015-09-26
58571 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Date formatting in formulas does not support double-quotes as escape-character as Excel does 2015-11-29
58591 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Formula evaluation of IF-Equals "IF(A1=1, B1, C1)" returns incorrect result if A1 cell value is TRUE 2015-11-07
58787 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- [patch] Border utility to set cell styles around a range of cells 2019-01-06
59277 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Add convenience utility for adding a cell comment to a sheet 2016-04-06
59278 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Inconsistent behavior for Cell.getErrorCellValue on blank cells 2016-10-20
59306 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Shifting rows does not shift chart data series references 2021-02-17
59727 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- improving performance when adding a merged region or array formula 2016-06-19
59728 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Should not be able to add an array formula to merged region 2016-06-19
59731 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Consolidate duplicated code for row shifting 2016-06-20
59877 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- The current picture handling uses raw integers for types and index, replace with enum and reference 2017-01-20
60040 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- CellNumberFormatter wrong formating for Locale pt_BR 2023-08-14
60136 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Add Cell.getErrorCellEnum returns FormulaError to complement getErrorCellValue returns byte 2016-09-14
60165 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- negative dates in poi for java application doesn't supported? 2016-10-11
60666 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- DataValidationConstraint contains two type classes that are not enums 2017-01-31
60724 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- SUBTOTAL() function doesn't skip auto-filtered rows 2019-03-18
60848 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- SUMPRODUCT fails when first arg is of form --(...) 2023-10-13
60866 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- [PATCH] Support for named cell styles in SS Common 2017-03-19
60895 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- CellUtil.setCellStyleProperties() corrupts conditional Formatting 2023-09-09
60959 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Setting the cell to type numeric results in cell type blank 2017-05-29
60979 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- FormulaParser does not parse named ranges in parentheses 2017-06-16
60981 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- FormulaParser does not parse ranges with #REF! errors 2017-06-16
60982 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- FormulaParser does not recognize multi-sheet references when quoted 2017-06-16
60983 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- FormulaParser does not recognize external workbook references when quoted 2017-06-16
61136 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- [PATCH] Improve Common SS formula evaluation speed by implementing lazy evaluation 2023-03-11
61495 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- FormulaEvaluator does evaluate Number wrong. [=TEXT(nr;FORMAT)] 2018-02-09
61638 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Incorrect result from DataFormatter.formatCellValue for format 60######### 2019-12-18
61851 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Add copy cell feature 2017-12-06
61874 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- OperandResolver.parseDouble(String) does not does not work for numeric Strings using a comma as decimal separator. 2018-01-11
62057 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- isDisplayZeros does not apply when get value 2018-01-30
62948 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Row ranges are transformed to cell ranges during parsing 2018-11-25
62969 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- HYPERLINK() function needs a way to return link reference when display label is also specified 2019-03-01
63036 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Does not supported timeformat korean language 2018-12-24
63381 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Suggested change to "How to build" instructions 2019-06-20
63601 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Formulas remove needed single quote for advanced math. 2019-07-24
64423 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Formula evaluation containing a named range with relative address produces incorrect result 2020-05-11
64459 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Wrong IF behavior in array formulas 2020-05-20
65059 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- wrong evaluation of SUMPRODUCT when nested SUMIFS use ranges 2021-04-27
65453 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- [PATCH] Add support for java boxed tyes Number & Boolean in setCellValue 2021-10-09
65470 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- DateValue function does not take into account that workbook might be 1904 windowing based 2021-07-28
65643 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- FILTER function wrong number of arguments 2021-10-22
65671 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- shift column left does not work in all cases 2021-11-05
65774 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- ThreadLocal use in DateUtil is a Sonar code smell 2021-12-30
65907 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- implementation of SUMPRODUCT function cannot handle case where operators appear between ranges 2023-08-09
66096 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- support GAMMA and GAMMA.DIST functions 2022-08-03
66152 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- StackoverflowError when formatting formula 2022-07-21
66303 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- POI excel formula support does not take into account that many formulas can take a cell range 2022-12-26
66377 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- The x coordinate value of the anchor point in the lower right corner of the image exceeds the width value of the cell 2022-12-26
66885 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- getCellWithMerges() return empty Cell that it is centainly not null. But it is not correct. 2023-08-12
68094 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- In 5.2.4 After called autoSizeColumn function, the returned column width is smaller than in 5.2.3, which makes the columns to be cut off 2024-02-26
68714 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Operator BETWEEN should work both ways 2024-03-06
68874 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- For conditional formatting, areas should be cumulated for duplications 2024-04-08
29350 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Editable Ranges in Protected Sheets 2023-11-23
61396 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- DataBarFormatting, setWidthMin by default 10 % in excel output(when i getWidthMin gives 0 and i unable to setWidthMin to any other value) 2017-09-17
58966 POI SS Commo dev REOP --- Row.getCell doesn't retrieve the same value than what VBA gives 2016-02-09
62084 POI SS Commo dev REOP --- Issue with date format 2018-10-23
46670 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- Reference to cell in different workbook not possible 2016-06-15
58227 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- Excel Data table not evaluated 2016-06-15
60355 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- SS Formula Parser fails to parse a formula with a free ref function 2019-01-12
60605 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- Convert Workbook.SHEET_STATE_HIDDEN, VISIBLE, and VERY_HIDDEN to enum 2017-01-20
62242 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- Shouldn't show '0' if number format is "??" and cell value is 0 2020-03-08
63927 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- Inconsistent mapping of Norwegian locales for date formats 2019-12-08
64417 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- function #54 of functionMetadata.txt is missing 2020-05-10
64505 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- TRANSPOSE does not handle string cells 2020-07-14
65231 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- wrong evaluation of SUMPRODUCT when nested COUNTIF uses ranges 2021-09-30
68230 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- A region overlap issue in RowShifter 2023-11-27
68232 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- formatValue(StringBuffer,Object)@CellTextFormatter can have an index out of range issue 2023-11-27
68235 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- evaluateInternal(ValueEval,ValueEval,int,int)@IfError does not handle missing arguments 2023-11-27
83 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "SS Common" component of the "POI" product