Sat Sep 21 2024 00:56:26 UTC
Life is Pain but without any Gain, Your highness
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55 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
54820 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEED --- REwriterule stops working 2021-03-30
60604 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEED --- RewriteRule returning 200 for ErrorDocument 503 2017-03-02
55989 Apache h mod_rewr bugs REOP --- write to error log upon RewriteRule [F]orbidden 2014-10-31
46428 Apache h mod_rewr bugs REOP --- Spaces in URI doesn't encode in proxy-requests 2012-09-18
40102 Apache h mod_rewr bugs REOP --- SCRIPT_NAME set incorrectly with mod_rewrite 2023-02-18
57056 Apache h mod_rewr bugs REOP --- Rewrite port is taken into hostname 2018-08-23
49746 Apache h mod_rewr bugs REOP --- mod_rewrite urlencode option 2018-08-24
32328 Apache h mod_rewr bugs REOP --- Make mod_rewrite escaping optional / expose internal map functions 2011-06-13
20036 Apache h mod_rewr bugs ASSI --- Trailing Dots stripped from PATH_INFO environment variable 2021-07-19
53554 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Wrong case for hexadecimal percent encoding [patch] 2013-03-19
58168 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Would like full request evaluation support in RewriteCond 2015-07-22
64793 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- url-encoded parameter not being set when certain regexp used for rewrite rule 2020-10-07
61388 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- unescaped %0A (\n) within a RewriteMap prg: result can show other users requested sites 2017-08-07
69235 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- unable to connect to backend with existing rewrite rules. 2024-09-11
41412 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- RewriteRule Skip should take negative arguments 2007-01-26
66017 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- RewriteRule rules are ignores 2022-04-19
62923 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- RewriteRule not working for a specific character 2018-11-20
62485 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- rewriterule is not activated when followsymlinks is off 2018-06-23
63262 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- RewriteRule in <If> section matches against file system path instead of URI path 2024-03-24
64985 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- RewriteRule doesn't support relative URIs starting with // 2020-12-14
61166 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- RewriteMap: URLs with whitespace (txt, dbm) 2022-10-11
53757 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- RewriteMap of type txt should allow specifying columns 2012-08-21
64447 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- RewriteCond local file system checks (-f and others) should allow (sane) relative path resolution 2020-05-17
57298 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- RewriteBase inside FilesMatch behaves oddly 2014-12-03
65425 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Rewrite with directory with wildcard vs no wildcard 2021-07-02
57412 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- rewrite rules causes duplicate requests 2015-01-04
63866 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Rewrite rule for root URL path (/) matches and proxies request, but END flag is ignored and mod_dir issues sub-requests for index files 2019-10-20
62411 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- rewrite overruns PATH_INFO with Proxy, unixsocket uwsgi 2018-05-26
66794 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Requesting a non-existent subdirectory is not rewritten correctly. 2023-07-26
59426 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Problem with mod_rewrite, especially with ap_context_document_root() 2016-05-04
54556 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- New flag to add default rule in rule chain 2013-02-13
58834 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- ModRewrite fails with .php urls and FPM on Apache 2.4.10 2016-01-17
60159 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- mod_rewrite rules not executed 2016-09-21
61344 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- mod_rewrite RewriteRule prevents compressed request body to be inflated by mod_deflate 2018-08-04
59491 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- mod_rewrite proxy uses wrong filename for ^$ 2016-05-11
54518 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- mod_rewrite not adding Vary header 2013-02-04
49642 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- mod_rewrite mistakes encoded question mark as path/query string separator 2018-10-25
40373 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- mod_dir adds trailing slash after internal redirect by mod_rewrite to a non-folder uri 2014-10-28
57590 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- loading mod_proxy_http makes rewriteRule's [proxy] assume http:// URI 2019-04-02
40453 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- lexicographic compare in RewriteCond isn't lexicographic 2018-08-25
64526 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- InheritDownBefore won't keep vhost-context rules from re-executing after per-dir rules 2020-06-15
65680 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Incorrect rewriting URL 2021-11-13
69098 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- httpd fails to process request with mod_rewrite prg maps when process exit 2024-06-02
67030 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- feature request: drop connection without response 2023-08-22
53947 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Feature Request, RewriteRule - ProxyPreserveHost flag (and related) 2012-09-29
63726 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Custom 403 Error page not showing when special chars are in the url 2019-09-04
56264 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Confusing error with .htaccess rewrite to proxy when mod_proxy not active. 2019-01-06
54543 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Compile regex only when need 2019-06-28
64584 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Bring back RewriteLog 2020-07-07
59267 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Allow URL-Path as redirect target (Location header) instead of fully-qualified URL 2016-04-03
55700 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- add something like RewriteOptions InheritDown 2013-10-24
44279 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- Add "iterate" flag to apply rule in a loop while pattern matches 2008-01-24
53305 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- 404 errors when adding query string in a balancer setup with mod_rewrite and mod_proxy_fcgi 2012-08-15
60558 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- %{HTTPS} and %{REQUEST_SCHEME} sometimes inconsistent 2017-03-02
56528 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- "bad flags delimiter" - improve helpfulness 2015-01-16
55 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "mod_rewrite" component of the "Apache httpd-2" product