Sun Apr 28 2024 01:04:01 UTC
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17 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
54365 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- Connection closed by server during file transfer 2013-01-02
55448 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- segfault in set_max_workers at event.c:3194 on SIGUSR1 2013-08-19
56333 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- API to resume a SUSPENDED connection 2014-05-11
56645 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- socket callback with timeout callback causes infinite loop 2014-06-21
54993 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- Critical error: File descriptor in bad state: apr_pollset_poll failed. 2015-01-16
57746 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- Apache hangs on startup using MPM event 2015-09-04
59762 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- after poll error, listener thread tight loops while workers are shutting down 2016-09-26
60006 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- Replacing g_mutex_skiplist_mtx mutex lock with pthread_spin_lock provides performance benefit 2016-11-21
62141 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- ABA bug in defer_linger_chain 2018-03-03
62816 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- MaxConnectionsPerChild kills active connections 2019-02-15
63296 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- mod_event: Connection timeouts with ab in case of keepalive and high concurrency 2019-03-28
65832 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- purge keepalive connections before 0 idlers? 2022-01-21
66177 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- option for sending 408 on keepalive timeout in event MPM? 2022-07-24
66424 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- CPU affinity request 2023-02-03
66615 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- httpd kills keepalive connections when idle workers available 2023-05-30
68561 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- IDLE processes are not killed with mpm_event 2024-02-29
68873 Apache h mpm_even bugs NEW --- Threads with status endless "Closing Connection" 2024-04-09
17 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "mpm_event" component of the "Apache httpd-2" product