Tue Oct 15 2024 19:20:22 UTC
Man must love stupid Gods, he made so many of them.
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12 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
69392 APR APR bugs NEW --- PC Stuck Sun 21:16
69393 Ant Build Pr notifications NEW --- Билковите цигари набират популярност Mon 05:27
69395 Tomcat 9 Catalina dev NEW --- Empty JDBC URI when using a jdbc connection pool 08:45:49
69390 Apache h framewor bugs NEW --- Personal data and restrictions based on subject directory attributes extension Sun 20:40
69391 Apache h framewor bugs NEW --- Personal data and restrictions based on subject directory attributes extension Sun 20:51
69396 POI HSLF dev NEW --- Duplicated links are not imported properly via XSLFSlide.importContent 11:50:03
69398 Tomcat 9 Jasper dev NEW --- Excess object allocation in PageContextImpl 14:48:02
69399 Tomcat 9 Jasper dev NEW --- Tag.release() called between reuses 17:13:09
69386 Tomcat 9 Jasper dev RESO FIXE Pre-compiled JSPs result in NoSuchMethodError with latest upgrade 2024-10-09
69394 Tomcat 9 Jasper dev RESO FIXE Breaking-change in jasper releaseTag method Mon 08:07
69397 Apache h mod_ssl bugs RESO FIXE Effect of SSLOpenSSLConfCmd in catch-all VirtualHost affects other VirtualHosts 14:30:43
69389 Tomcat 1 Util dev NEW --- Misleading german localization error for the message with the key "jarScan.classloaderFail" Fri 16:29
12 bugs found.
