Thu Sep 12 2024 07:25:56 UTC
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12 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
69235 Apache h mod_rewr bugs NEW --- unable to connect to backend with existing rewrite rules. 16:01:10
69258 Apache h mod_macr bugs NEW --- Silent line truncation inside a macro 06:46:42
69310 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Continuously seeing the cores in FIPS enable mode Fri 08:58
69313 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- httpd doesn't start with config file from network share Wed 13:16
69299 Tomcat N Library dev NEW --- Distribute Tomcat Native via Maven central 2024-09-05
69314 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Header content from a specific .doc not extracted (TIKA-4307) 20:21:07
69315 POI HSMF dev NEW --- PropertiesChunk.readProperties stops reading properties when a multi valued property is encountered Tue 15:17
69316 Tomcat 9 Util dev NEW --- FastHttpDateFormat#getCurrentDate(): returns inaccurate date string. Wed 08:59
69263 Apache h All bugs NEED --- Backend service sending 405 status code to Apache, but Apache is finally setting the 502. Fri 14:09
69260 Apache h mod_acce bugs RESO DUPL mod_rewrite rules not working for the http backend handlers. 16:01:10
63665 POI HSSF dev RESO WORK Drop down's options don't appear when clicking arrow in excel exported with Apache POI when there are many cell comments 2024-09-05
69304 POI XSSF dev RESO FIXE error creating an instance of XSSFWorkbook 2024-09-05
12 bugs found.
