Sat Sep 21 2024 01:31:07 UTC
[some_noob] How do I become a kernel hacker?\n[some_guru] vi /vmlinuz
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52 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
43635 Ant Optional notifications RESO FIXE <xslt> task can't be used more than once with a file stylesheet Tue 20:34
43630 Ant Core tas notifications RESO WONT Add a "wsdl" Nested element to the Ant WAR task Tue 20:38
43665 Ant Core tas notifications RESO FIXE dependset complaints about files from the future when they are 0.5s old Tue 20:02
43660 Ant Core notifications RESO FIXE JavaResource returns a null input stream if the resource is missing Tue 20:08
43659 Ant Core tas notifications RESO FIXE NullPointer in FilterMapper in conjunction with linecontains mapper Tue 20:09
43639 Ant AntUnit notifications RESO FIXE The default value for casesensitive should be true for assertMatches Tue 20:32
69329 Apache h Document docs NEW --- (almost) undocumented legacy path-based vhost matching using ServerPath Wed 12:00
69324 POI XSSF dev NEW --- Add AGGREGATE function like SUBTOTAL 2024-09-14
66687 POI SXSSF dev NEED --- Combination of XSSF and SXSSF may result in invalid files Mon 08:27
43647 Tomcat C Common dev RESO FIXE Content-Type changes unexpectedly from text/html to text/plain Tue 20:38
62761 Tomcat 9 Catalina dev RESO FIXE CORS filter example in docs not working in versions since 9.0.9 20:39:26
66827 POI POI Over dev RESO FIXE Exception on loading Excel xslx-file with cell comment Mon 07:53
69316 Tomcat 9 Util dev RESO FIXE FastHttpDateFormat#getCurrentDate(): returns inaccurate date string. 11:11:33
68615 POI HPSF dev NEED --- getSummaryInformation breaks document images Mon 11:20
69294 POI XSSF dev RESO WORK Getting 'functionMetadata.txt' not found error in 5.2.5 2024-09-14
69021 POI HSSF dev RESO FIXE HSSF: Java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.apache.poi.hssf.record.DSFRecord cannot be cast to class org.apache.poi.hssf.record.TabIdRecord 2024-09-14
69265 POI HSSF dev NEED --- Hyperlink type provided during hyperlink creation not same as the type retrieved from Cell.getHyperlink() or sheet.getHyperlinkList() 2024-09-14
69267 POI SS Commo dev NEW --- Inconsistent Behavior in Grouping and Ungrouping Columns in Apache POI 2024-09-14
69212 POI XSSF dev RESO WORK IndexOutOfBoundsException at DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted() method 2024-09-14
66644 POI POI Over dev RESO FIXE Make Apache POI binaries reproducible Mon 09:53
68779 POI XSSF dev NEW --- Mixed cell reference is being malformatted 2024-09-14
43640 Taglibs Standard dev RESO FIXE Move the tests package to JUnit Tue 20:39
69331 Tomcat 1 Catalina dev NEED --- NullPointerException ( 12:37:14
43632 Taglibs Standard dev RESO WONT NullPointerException in x:transform Tue 20:39
68714 POI SS Commo dev NEED --- Operator BETWEEN should work both ways Mon 11:19
69163 POI POI Over dev NEED --- POITextExtractor appendText new feature 2024-09-14
69315 POI HSMF dev NEED --- PropertiesChunk.readProperties stops reading properties when a multi valued property is encountered 11:43:48
69302 Tomcat 9 Catalina dev RESO FIXE ReadListener#onError not called on read exception during async processing with read timeout Wed 06:38
69322 POI SXSSF dev NEW --- setting useTempFilePackageParts is true Cause an error: Fail to save: an error occurs while saving the package : arraycopy: destination index out of bounds 2024-09-14
65943 POI SXSSF dev RESO FIXE SXSSF doesn't support Rich Text Strings 07:31:54
69127 POI SXSSF dev RESO WORK The Cell style background is not applied when an input spreadsheet is used with all the cells in a non default style Mon 07:21
69182 Tomcat 9 Connecto dev RESO INVA Tomcat doesn't seem to call SSLEngine.closeInbound when the HTTPS client disconnects 10:41:33
69325 Tomcat 9 Catalina dev RESO INVA Tomcat not allowing CRLF characters in Request headers Mon 04:07
69333 Tomcat 9 Jasper dev NEW --- Unnecessary code in generated JSPs 17:57:35
43648 POI HSSF dev RESO FIXE Wrong signedness for IntPtg Tue 20:21
69178 POI OPC dev NEW --- ZipPartMarshaller uses hardcoded value for MS compatibility mode 2024-09-14
69328 Apache h mod_acce bugs NEW --- Apache config is not rejecting the requests if the URI contains the spaces Tue 13:59
43631 Apache h Build bugs RESO WONT Apache Makefile should include an uninstall directive Tue 20:37
69290 APR APR bugs NEW --- apr-1.7.5/atomic/unix/builtins.c", line 122: argument #2 of "__atomic_compare_exchange_n" should be non-void pointer type Mon 14:12
63893 Apache h mod_remo bugs REOP --- Bogus warning "unsupported command 20" Thu 07:43
43666 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- CGI works, but client denied error messages in error.log Tue 19:49
69330 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- default or primary server not well defined through ServerName Wed 21:05
69326 Apache h mod_auth bugs NEW --- Documentation for AuthName should note that nowadays, browsers no longer display the "realm" Mon 16:52
43667 Apache h Core bugs RESO INVA Invalid (network) source IP's are logged. Tue 20:06
43649 Apache h mod_auto bugs REOP --- mod_autoindex is generating invalid XHTML markup Tue 20:19
43646 Apache h All bugs RESO INVA No installed service named: Apache2 Tue 20:25
43645 Apache h All bugs RESO INVA only one usage of each socket address ( protocol / network address / port). Tue 20:27
43644 Apache h mod_ssl bugs RESO FIXE OpenSSL 0.9.8f causes "unusably short session_id provided" errors Tue 20:29
69203 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- proxy error from php-fpm backend for paths containing spaces Mon 17:15
43664 Apache h mod_cach bugs RESO WORK Rename tempfile to hdrsfile failed Tue 20:04
69332 Apache h All bugs NEW --- Strange behavior of nested <If> directives and mod_rewrite 12:35:11
43652 Apache h mod_suex bugs RESO LATE Suggest small change for big fix with SuExec & Virtual Hosts Tue 20:15
52 bugs found.
