Tue Oct 15 2024 09:33:08 UTC
Don't you know that in some cultures bugs are cooked and eaten? :P
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
62488 Tomcat 9 Packagin dev NEW --- Obtain dependencies from Maven Central where possible 2018-06-25
64395 Tomcat 9 Packagin dev NEW --- Windows Installer should offer an option to select a service account 2021-01-27
66631 Tomcat 9 Packagin dev NEW --- Consider moving module-info.class to META-INF/versions/9 2023-06-07
66654 Tomcat 9 Packagin dev NEW --- Setting displayname while using service.bat to install tomcat service 2023-06-16
4 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Packaging" component of the "Tomcat 9" product