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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
10755 15 0 Core tasks critical P3 1.5.2 Ant 1.5's jar task fails to add new files when run multiple times
3509 15 0 Connector:Webapp blocker P1 --- Apache 1.3.20 & mod_webapp & Tomcat 4b7 HANGS under Win
8867 12 0 Build critical P3 --- exports.c generation fails when using a symlink to the source
6374 12 0 Catalina blocker P3 --- class not find for:org/w3c/dom/range/Range
6456 11 0 Core enhancement P3 --- Ant does not support Windows XP
59268 10 0 POI Overall enhancement P2 --- Work on providing an updated version of XMLBeans
13029 10 0 mod_cgi normal P3 --- Win32 mod_cgi failure with non-ASCII characters in env var
37770 9 0 mod_proxy blocker P1 --- proxy: error reading status line from remote server (null)
26938 9 0 Win32 MSI Installer blocker P5 --- Interrupted Installation
22030 9 0 mod_cgi normal P1 --- 4097+ bytes of stderr from cgi script causes script to hang
18667 9 0 Optional Tasks normal P1 1.5.4 javah module no longer works with Java 1.4.2
17648 9 0 Core tasks normal P3 1.5.3 <zipfileset> not working for zip task
12387 9 0 Jasper 2 major P3 --- JSP Compilation errors: jars in WEB-INF/lib and classes in WEB-INF/classes not in classpath
60102 8 0 XWPF enhancement P2 --- Improve error message when writing a document that has been closed
43334 8 0 mod_ssl critical P1 --- Garbage characters in Server header and version string when using mod_ssl statically
37145 8 0 mod_authz_user critical P1 --- data loss with httpd-2.0.55 reverse proxy method=post
16001 8 0 Jasper 2 critical P3 --- Tag.release() not invoked
12355 8 0 mod_ssl normal P3 --- POST incompatible w/ renegotiate https: connection
41538 7 0 Catalina blocker P2 default Unable to run Tomcat as a Windows service under JDK 1.6
25345 7 0 Optional Tasks normal P3 1.6.2 jspc tag broken with new version of jasper

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