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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
264 3 0 Connectors normal P1 --- mod_jk gets in an infinite loop when client does not send "content-length" # of bytes to server BugRat Report#468
291 2 0 Servlet normal P1 --- Using an html file as the <location> in an <error-page> in web.xml causes a StackOverflowError. BugRat Report#538
356 3 0 Connectors normal P1 --- sendRedirect() embedded in JSP not working with mod_jk Apache connector BugRat Report#637
367 2 0 Unknown normal P1 --- Incorrect HTTP header returns source file (jsp) BugRat Report#653
578 2 0 Unknown normal P1 --- no cookies session tracking fails when used with SSL
764 6 0 Other critical P1 --- java.lang.StackOverflowError
813 2 0 Catalina normal P1 --- Problem authenticating with HTTP 1.1 client
1343 2 0 Unknown critical P1 --- Source code error while building mod_jk
1550 2 0 Core tasks enhancement P1 --- delete task follow symbolic links
1673 2 0 Connectors normal P1 --- file upload does not work with mod_jk and ajp13
1917 2 0 Core major P1 --- DTD validator does not check namespace attributes
2738 2 0 Core tasks enhancement P1 1.6 Passing of Streams to core tasks are not good (specially passing input stream to a java task is not possible)
3509 15 0 Connector:Webapp blocker P1 --- Apache 1.3.20 & mod_webapp & Tomcat 4b7 HANGS under Win
3534 3 0 Connector:Other blocker P1 --- FileUpload doesn't work with Apache, mod_webapp and tomcat 4.0 RC1
4829 6 0 Catalina enhancement P1 --- Automatic deployment of war files does not work properly
4930 3 0 Connector:Webapp major P1 --- java.io.StreamCorruptedException: Type code out of range, is 0 with Apache WebApp module
5647 2 0 Common blocker P1 --- AJP13 connector will not pass authentication requests
10775 4 0 Core critical P1 --- SCRIPT_NAME wrong value
11122 2 0 APR-util blocker P1 --- libaprutil is not linked against libraries on which it depends
11997 4 0 mpm_winnt major P1 --- NT MPM assertion "(rv >= 0) && (rv < threads_created)" failed

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