-------------------------------------- Begin At Line 1668 if(contentStream != null) { commandsStdIn = new BufferedOutputStream(proc.getOutputStream()); proc.getOutputStream().write(contentStream.toByteArray()); commandsStdIn.flush(); commandsStdIn.close(); } -------------------------------------- End should probably be: -------------------------------------- Begin At Line 1668 if(contentStream != null) { commandsStdIn = new BufferedOutputStream(proc.getOutputStream()); commandsStdIn.write(contentStream.toByteArray()); commandsStdIn.flush(); commandsStdIn.close(); } -------------------------------------- End Line 1793: -------------------------------------- Begin At Line Line 1793 while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) { log("runCGI (stderr):" + line) ; } lineCount++ ; -------------------------------------- End should probably be: -------------------------------------- Begin At Line Line 1793 while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) { log("runCGI (stderr):" + line) ; lineCount++ ; } -------------------------------------- End The first issue is part of bug 32430, except the large file stuff looks fixed. The second issue is bug 32429
The second issue has been fixed - see bug 32429 The first issue has been fixed in CVS for 4.1.x and 5.5.x Thanks for the patch. In future please try not to duplicate reports across multiple bugzilla entries as it makes tracking which bugs have been fixed and which ones haven't a lot more difficult.
Sorry about the duplication. Any chance these will make it into 5.0.30?
Now 5.5.x is stable, I wasn't planning to port the CGI stuff back to 5.0.30.