DefaultServlet uses File.deleteOnExit() which is known to leak jvm native memory. The call is made on executePartialPut() (called from doPut()). Any server running for a long time will not get rid of these orphan requests to delete tmp PUT files on exit and may run out of memory if PUTting many files. The solution is to completely avoid such method. You must deal manually with the deletion of unused files. You can use try{create+use}finally{delete}. If it is done in many phases (I'm not sure what partial PUT means) you must associate that file to the httpsession so that the httpsession disposal will delete the tmp file safely. If there is no session ongoing you must deny multiphase PUT to stay safe. In any case, partial PUT or not, a jvm crash may leave those tmp files undeleted, so it would be safer to assign a directory to tomcat tmpfiles (already exists I think) and wipe it clean on tomcat start. If you don't want to delete all files, then choose filenames that have a pattern unlikely to clash with existing files. Better, choose filenames that you can assert they came from tomcat. example: _tmp_tomcat_[userfilename]_[privatehashOf(userfilename)].tmp when you read the "userfilename", only tomcat can rehash and compare with the private hash number. If the hash number is not equal, it is not a tomcat tmp file. This makes it really hard for a user to accidentally loose a file in that tmp folder.
See for the Sun Java BugParade reference on this bug.
Also updating version to latest 5.5, as the same code is still there (org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet#executePartialPut, line 494). The method returns a handle to the file, so it's not a method-local fix.
Actually, looking at the code a little further, the fix is simpler than I thought. I've just committed it to SVN after a bit of local testing, and it looks fine, but I'd like further testing. I'm going to ask on the dev list as well, but if you could test, that'd be great.