Created attachment 33917 [details] Custom sorting on excel Excel is supporting sorting and custom sorting on cell range address which POI is not providing support to apply that.
Here is something I did to allow me to sort the rows in a sheet. It is not quite developed enough to contribute, but it works for what I needed. Maybe you can find some ideas. import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; public class SheetUtils { public static final int SORT_ASCENDING = 0; public static final int SORT_DESCENDING = 1; public static void sortSheet(Sheet sh, int start, int end, int col, int order) { for (int ix = start; ix <= end-1; ix++) { for (int iy = ix+1; iy <= end; iy++) { Row r1 = sh.getRow(ix); Row r2 = sh.getRow(iy); boolean swap = false; switch (order) { case SORT_ASCENDING: if (compareCell(r1, r2, col) > 0) { swap = true; } break; case SORT_DESCENDING: if (compareCell(r1, r2, col) < 0) { swap = true; } break; } if (swap == true) { try { swapRows(r1, r2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } private static int compareCell(Row r1, Row r2, int col) { Cell c1 = r1.getCell(col); Cell c2 = r2.getCell(col); int cmp = compareType(c1, c2); switch (cmp) { case 0: switch (c1.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (c1.getBooleanCellValue() == c2.getBooleanCellValue()) { return 0; } else if (c1.getBooleanCellValue() == true) { return 1; } return -1; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: if (c1.getNumericCellValue() < c2.getNumericCellValue()) { return -1; } if (c1.getNumericCellValue() == c2.getNumericCellValue()) { return 0; } return 1; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: return c1.getStringCellValue().compareToIgnoreCase(c2.getStringCellValue()); default: return 0; } default: return cmp; } } private static int compareType(Cell c1, Cell c2) { if (c1.getCellType() == c2.getCellType()) { return 0; } if (c1.getCellType() > c2.getCellType()) { return 1; } return -1; } public static void swapRows(Row r1, Row r2) throws Exception { Sheet sh1 = r1.getSheet(); Sheet sh2 = r2.getSheet(); if (sh1 != sh2) { Throwable e = null; throw new Exception("Rows from different sheets", e); } int n1 = r1.getRowNum(); int n2 = r2.getRowNum(); try { copyRow(sh1, n1, n2); sh1.removeRow(sh1.getRow(n1)); copyRow(sh1, n2+1, n1); sh1.removeRow(sh1.getRow(n2+1)); if (n2+2 <= sh1.getLastRowNum()) { sh1.shiftRows(n2+2, sh1.getLastRowNum(), -1); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void copyRow(Sheet sh, int src, int tgt) throws Exception { Row rs = sh.getRow(src); Row rt = sh.getRow(tgt); if (rs == null) { Throwable e = null; throw new Exception("Source row missing", e); } if (rt != null) { sh.shiftRows(tgt, sh.getLastRowNum(), 1); } rt = sh.createRow(tgt); Iterator<Cell> cells = rs.cellIterator(); while (cells.hasNext()) { Cell cs =; int ix = cs.getColumnIndex(); Cell ct = rt.createCell(ix); // style ct.setCellStyle(cs.getCellStyle()); // type ct.setCellType(cs.getCellType()); // data switch (cs.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK: ct.setCellValue(cs.getStringCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: ct.setCellValue(cs.getBooleanCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR: ct.setCellErrorValue(cs.getErrorCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: ct.setCellFormula(cs.getCellFormula()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: ct.setCellValue(cs.getNumericCellValue()); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: ct.setCellValue(cs.getRichStringCellValue()); } // hyperlink if (cs.getHyperlink() != null) { ct.setHyperlink(cs.getHyperlink()); } // comment if (cs.getCellComment() != null) { ct.setCellComment(cs.getCellComment()); } } } }
Thanks Mark. Though it may not help me completely, but it will help me out to some extent in fixing this issue.