Created attachment 35331 [details] zip with created excel, new und example Hi, I need some enhancements on pivot table just like set the format of the value and set a data column for columns (like rows) and format the value. I have checked out the current trunc from 17.09.2017 and added my enhancements. I have also fixed the bug 58294 (may be the same problem in bug 60094) - changes in function addReportFilter. The attachment contains: + ooxml-pivottable.xlsx - this can I create with the new XSSFPivotTable + (src\ooxml\java\org\apache\poi\xssf\usermodel) + (src\examples\src\org\apache\poi\xssf\usermodel\examples) Please verify it and check in the new files.
Hi Roland, Thanks for the submission. If you have time, would it be possible to create a pull request at I, for one, find it easier to review github changes.
Hi, here is the pull request:
Pull Request merged