# This patch file was generated by NetBeans IDE # Following Index: paths are relative to: E:\Repositories\release50\form # This patch can be applied using context Tools: Patch action on respective folder. # It uses platform neutral UTF-8 endcoding and \n newlines. # Above lines and this line are ignored by the patching process. Index: src/org/netbeans/modules/form/CreationFactory.java *** E:\Repositories\release50\form\src\org\netbeans\modules\form\CreationFactory.java Base (1.23) --- E:\Repositories\release50\form\src\org\netbeans\modules\form\CreationFactory.java Locally Modified (Based On 1.23) *************** *** 697,706 **** // AWT -------- // Dialog defaultConstrParams = new Object[] { new java.awt.Frame() }; registerDescriptor(new CreationDescriptor( java.awt.Dialog.class, ! null, null, defaultConstrParams)); // other ------- --- 697,712 ---- // AWT -------- // Dialog + constrParamTypes = new Class[][] { + { java.awt.Frame.class }, + }; + constrPropertyNames = new String[][] { + { "owner" }, + }; defaultConstrParams = new Object[] { new java.awt.Frame() }; registerDescriptor(new CreationDescriptor( java.awt.Dialog.class, ! constrParamTypes, constrPropertyNames, defaultConstrParams)); // other -------