# This patch file was generated by NetBeans IDE # Following Index: paths are relative to: /data/cvs/netbeans/trunk/nb_all/javacvs # This patch can be applied using context Tools: Patch action on respective folder. # It uses platform neutral UTF-8 encoding and \n newlines. # Above lines and this line are ignored by the patching process. Index: libsrc/org/netbeans/lib/cvsclient/CVSRoot.java *** /data/cvs/netbeans/trunk/nb_all/javacvs/libsrc/org/netbeans/lib/cvsclient/CVSRoot.java Base (1.14) --- /data/cvs/netbeans/trunk/nb_all/javacvs/libsrc/org/netbeans/lib/cvsclient/CVSRoot.java Locally Modified (Based On 1.14) *************** *** 368,373 **** --- 368,376 ---- } this.port = port; if (index > 0) pr = pr.substring(index); + if (pr.startsWith(":")) { // NOI18N + pr = pr.substring(1); + } this.repository = pr; } else { this.port = 0; Index: test/unit/library/org/netbeans/lib/cvsclient/CVSRootTest.java *** /data/cvs/netbeans/trunk/nb_all/javacvs/test/unit/library/org/netbeans/lib/cvsclient/CVSRootTest.java Base (1.9) --- /data/cvs/netbeans/trunk/nb_all/javacvs/test/unit/library/org/netbeans/lib/cvsclient/CVSRootTest.java Locally Modified (Based On 1.9) *************** *** 111,116 **** --- 111,119 ---- root = CVSRoot.parse(":ssh;ver=2:username@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/xoops"); compareRoot(root, CVSRoot.METHOD_EXT, "username", null, "cvs.sf.net", 0, "/cvsroot/xoops"); + root = CVSRoot.parse(":pserver:mike@javadev.zappmobile.ro:2401:/home/cvsroot"); // #71032 + compareRoot(root, CVSRoot.METHOD_PSERVER, "mike", null, "javadev.zappmobile.ro", 2401, "/home/cvsroot"); + } /**