This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

Mon Sep 9 2024 16:28:32 UTC
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44 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
238416 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Support for stylus 2015-03-25
249086 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Scss: Missing code folding for nested properties 2017-07-21
269705 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- [Feature Request] Manually process/save sass,less etc 2017-02-01
271325 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- SASS: Unexpected token LPAREN found UIKIT 2018-03-20
230042 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- css function w/ expression as argument(s) parsing fails 2014-10-06
233627 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Add way to manually trigger compiling 2015-06-02
236404 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- SASS: Add support for libraries like compass 2014-10-06
238988 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Errors in parsing URL in SCSS, LESS 2016-05-03
239593 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- watch folder, process single file 2014-10-06
241374 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Mixins from imported file not offered in code completion 2016-09-04
243296 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Ctrl+Click navigation does not work for LESS with class names combined via '&' 2014-10-06
243347 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Go to declaration for Sass file references 2014-10-06
243402 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Add Breadcrumbs for inner CSS class names in LESS files 2014-10-06
244656 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Directives in less not offered in certain case 2014-10-06
245458 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Incorrect code-format for &:hover 2014-10-08
246617 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- LESS - code completion does not offer css properties when using @media inside selector 2016-10-05
246868 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Please improve SASS/LESS features. 2014-10-06
248717 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Scss: Function call with minus operation marked as error 2015-04-17
249156 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- editor freezes when .scss file is open -> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError is thrown 2014-12-09
249895 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Navigate to occurences 2015-01-19
250168 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- SASS: Exclude dollar sign while renaming a variable 2015-02-03
254879 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Need for two kinds of comments 2015-09-02
255058 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Input/Output option should be a filechooser 2015-09-07
256782 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Toggle comment not working in sass/less files 2019-02-12
257017 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Please add feature to introduce, mixins, variables etc. 2015-12-07
257018 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Code completion breaks after hit $ inside mixin. 2016-12-02
257658 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Less problem &:after Coloring 2016-02-29
258414 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Sass bugs in ojet 2016-03-29
262662 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- autocomplete does not work on last css entry before start of nested selector declaration 2016-07-02
267544 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Sass highlighting - key value 2016-11-05
267545 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Sass map values indentation 2016-08-11
269227 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Functions in navigator 2016-12-04
269283 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Please add option to convert css file to scss and less. 2016-12-09
271126 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- SASS preprocessor does not support libsass/sassc - reappear after being fixed. 2017-07-19
234476 web CSS Prep tmysik NEW --- Detection of mappings 2014-10-07
255054 web CSS Prep tmysik NEW --- Please add feature to compile sass/less file within editor 2015-09-07
255563 web CSS Prep tmysik NEW --- Sass recompiling on branch switch 2017-09-14
227882 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Issue with code completion in SCSS 2015-07-14
255262 web CSS Prep mkristofic NEW --- Sass syntax 2015-09-14
230757 web CSS Prep tmysik NEW --- Add up-to-date check for Sass/LESS files 2015-05-18
227904 web CSS Prep mkristofic REOP --- SCSS - Find Usages does not separate results by file 2014-10-06
232852 web CSS Prep tmysik REOP --- Add feature to compile a main LESS/SASS file 2017-05-26
233484 web CSS Prep mkristofic REOP --- Incorrect default folder for new scss files 2014-10-06
237600 web CSS Prep tmysik REOP --- SASS preprocessor does not work if sass is not in web root 2015-08-24
44 bugs found.
