This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

Tue Oct 8 2024 20:57:51 UTC
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138 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
133989 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Database model API 2013-09-04
155705 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- dbexlorer: No UI for creating a schema 2013-08-01
269109 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- IDE freezes, locks up when opening database explorer 2017-04-05
31149 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [65cat] Add 'Auto commit' r/w property on Connection node 2014-12-03
57979 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Support for automatically generated values 2014-09-23
58880 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Download Drivers button when adding a driver 2013-08-01
73053 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- New Connection dialog does not return connection created 2013-08-01
105075 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Provide an Entity/Relationship Diagram tool 2016-11-01
108233 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Need better error checking when if metadata is not available when connecting 2013-09-04
134107 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Invoke MySQL Workbench from NetBeans 2013-09-04
134213 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Quick view of table info 2013-09-04
149662 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Make is possible to be notified when a connection state has changed 2015-08-04
150212 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Connection to not running server is not added 2013-09-04
152233 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Dialogs that refer to DB identifiers should quote automatically 2013-08-01
153884 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Add ability to alter column properties 2013-08-01
154296 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Default view of a tab in SQL editor doesn't show difference between SQL console and SQL file 2013-09-04
154384 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Bundle open source JTDS driver 2013-08-01
155258 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Metadata API public 2013-08-01
155358 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Export schema to SQL DDL 2016-12-31
170181 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Allow creating database in various places in the UI 2013-08-01
201516 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Cannot connect as SYSDBA to Oracle DB 2016-07-28
225074 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- JDBC single schemas 2015-06-25
254397 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Firewalls terminate idle DB connections 2015-08-16
40162 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Data type combo box doesn't offer all available types in create table dialog 2015-09-07
65426 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- api changes for better runtime management 2013-08-01
65760 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [50cat] Would have a Tooltip to see the complete DataType 2013-08-01
67165 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [50cat] Neither 'Add new driver' nor 'Customize' have the option url pattern 2013-08-01
67481 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Database explorer Nodes API needs to be public 2013-08-01
68051 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- JDBCDriverManager.addDriver allows dups 2013-08-01
68350 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [50cat] It is good if db designer help users to build querys /views in visual mode . 2013-08-01
68914 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [50cat] Change "Grab structure..." to output as standard SQL or text 2013-08-01
79203 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Default column size 2013-08-01
84612 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- create table dialog should give info when no schema 2013-08-01
86839 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Defaults for sybase are wrong 2013-08-01
92649 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Create foreign keys in database explorer 2016-07-19
106047 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Java DB create table in SQL Editor does not show up in explorer unless you explicitly specify the schema 2013-09-04
119665 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Need abillity to change database schema after authentication. 2013-09-04
123512 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Provide support for servers over HTTP 2013-08-01
124367 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Delete foreign key 2013-08-01
125482 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Support for embedded databases 2013-09-04
133181 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Should be able to execute a selected stored procedure from the explorer 2013-09-04
134683 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- DB-wide search 2013-09-04
148531 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Should be able to delete a connected connection 2013-09-04
148592 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [65cat] [ide] Database Browser is unintuitive. Lower level nodes are added at the top level. 2013-08-01
152581 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for "Create Table/View" dialog UI fixes 2013-08-01
152582 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for "Create View" dialog UI fixes 2013-08-01
152583 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for UI fixes of dialogs from DB explorer 2013-08-01
152766 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for UI fixes of MySQL related dialogs 2013-08-01
152767 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for "MySQL Server Properties" dialog UI fixes 2013-08-01
152768 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for "Insert Record" dialog UI fixes 2013-08-01
152816 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for UI ENHANCEMENTs of DB explorer node tree 2013-08-01
152817 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for UI ENHANCEMENTs of SQL editor 2013-08-01
152818 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for UI ENHANCEMENTs of dialogs from DB explorer 2013-08-01
152819 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for "New JDBC Driver" dialog UI ENHANCEMENTs 2013-08-01
152820 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for UI ENHANCEMENTs of showdata functionality 2013-08-01
152826 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for "New Connection" dialog UI ENHANCEMENTs 2013-08-01
152827 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for "Create Table" dialog UI ENHANCEMENTs 2013-08-01
152828 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for "SQL History" dialog UI ENHANCEMENTs 2013-09-04
152850 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for "Add Column" dialog UI ENHANCEMENTs 2013-08-01
152869 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for UI ENHANCEMENTs of Java DB related dialogs 2013-08-01
152870 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for UI ENHANCEMENTs of Visual Query Editor related dialogs 2013-09-04
152888 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Umbrella for UI ENHANCEMENTs of MySQL related dialogs 2013-08-01
153086 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Make Metadata API pubilc 2013-09-04
153400 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Add gesture captures for database actions 2013-08-01
154172 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Add columns length to the DB explorer tree 2013-08-01
154173 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Need have some info string in "Add Column" dialog 2013-08-01
154175 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Need to show procedures and functions in different folders 2013-08-01
154413 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Metadata API: column doesn't provide auto-increment info 2015-02-08
155151 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Implement "Find Usages" for DB objects 2013-08-01
155152 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Implement "Find Table in Diagram" for DB tables 2013-08-01
155261 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Make database features more discoverable in NetBeans 2013-08-01
155345 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Make columns sortable in DB Explorer 2013-08-01
155346 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Improve Add Column UI 2013-08-01
155347 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Improve Create Table UI 2013-08-01
155348 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Improve Create Index UI 2013-08-01
155354 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Provide action to view/edit SQL for a view 2013-08-01
155359 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Add a tab to DDL wizards to show resulting SQL as it's being built 2013-08-01
155361 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Schema refactoring 2013-08-01
155367 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Read/write metadata API 2013-08-01
155371 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Generate PHP REST endpoints from DB tables 2013-08-01
155397 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Extend Quoter API to allow for creating a quoter without metadata 2013-09-04
155440 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- MetaData API for returning fixed length types 2013-09-04
155718 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Save connection in project for SQL file 2013-08-01
158937 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Database Properties Dialog Differs 2013-08-01
164885 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Explain Plan 2013-09-04
171579 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- "Create database..." makes almost unusable database 2013-08-01
180391 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Presentation of Constraints radio buttons in Add Column dialog 2013-08-01
188199 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Cannot Oracle Connection template in PHP editor 2013-08-01
192020 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- add ability to cycle through SQL history 2014-10-04
192110 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- SQL from History dialog should replace whole SQL editor 2013-08-01
192124 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- DatabaseExplorerUIs 2013-08-01
192126 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Database password not stored correctly in data source 2016-03-28
192457 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Drop foreign keys before drop a table 2013-08-01
199993 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- allow SQL code completion everywhere you enter SQL 2014-09-26
204103 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Code completion in sql strings doesn't work if the query contains non standard sql commands 2013-08-01
205889 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Add save as option on the toolbar 2013-08-01
205895 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- create sql is not quite correct 2013-08-08
209268 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- RFE Support a alias for database server in services 2013-08-01
223521 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Add posibility to remove driver name 2013-08-01
228142 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- add a file input selector to sqlite wizard, 2013-08-01
231906 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Import SQL Developer db connections XML file 2013-08-01
234265 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Check closed/broken connection 2013-08-12
235066 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [jcc][t4][10335][10605][3.50.152] Invalid operation: Connection is closed. ERRORCODE=-4470, SQLSTATE=08003 2014-02-26
237348 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- IllegalStateException: This connection is not added to the ConnectionManager. 2015-05-05
242576 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.loader.SQLCloneableEditor.getToolbarRepresentation 2018-02-06
243063 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- org.openide.nodes.LazyNode.switchToOriginal: LowPerformance took 25538 ms. 2016-04-06
252540 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Upgrade bundled postgresql jdbc driver from 9.2-1002 to 9.4-1201 2015-05-22
253299 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Allow to specify location of tnsnames.ora when setting up an Oracle database connection 2015-07-03
258084 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver is not registered with the JDBC driver manager 2016-02-21
267946 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Long waiting of connection with remote Oracle database 2016-09-09
268251 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- IllegalStateException: Too many org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer.action.DisconnectAction$1 (3) in shared RequestProcessor; create your own 2017-01-29
270130 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Default connection service 2017-03-20
270151 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.db.explorer.TableExtendedDelete$ 2017-06-20
166367 db Code matthias42 NEW --- Broken connection on mysql leads to exception while building metadatamodel 2016-11-04
250788 db Code matthias42 NEW --- Support foreign column types 2015-03-22
36621 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Cannot delete primary index 2014-01-07
57995 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Add Table action is not atomic 2013-08-01
61369 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Classes overriding equals() but not hashCode() 2013-08-01
65471 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [50cat] Allow adding JDBC drivers from JDBC libraries 2013-08-01
68948 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [50cat] For "Add Column", change contraint option from "null" to "Allow nulls" 2013-08-01
70583 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [50cat] Make "New Database Connection" window non-modal 2013-08-01
76922 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Unable to connect to a database more than once with a type 2 driver 2013-08-01
113482 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- IllegalStateException appears after using DB Tables menu item "Recreate Table" 2013-08-01
119672 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [60cat] [JavaDB] Encrypted Mode 2013-08-01
137266 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Connecting to an External Derby DB causes default JavaDB to be started 2013-08-01
139052 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Database features are enabled after uninstalling 2013-08-01
158356 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- SQL result column width/alignment inconvenient 2014-01-03
166891 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Sybase "Connection already closed" exception doesn't clear the DB-tree 2013-08-01
183285 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Add column dialog has no minimum size 2013-08-01
207362 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- "Execute Command" function from the database context menu connects to the wrong database 2014-01-13
211173 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- Previous selection de-selected on right-click after connection has been chosen from drop down. 2015-08-04
211614 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- [NetBeansInOSGi] ISE "This connection is not added to the ConnectionManager." from ConnectionManager.showConnectionDialog 2013-08-01
238002 db Code lfischmeistr NEW --- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator.nextEntry 2013-11-27
267741 db Code matthias42 NEW --- When specifying empty required values a test connection should not be established. 2016-11-04
154177 db Code lfischmeistr STAR --- SQL scripts for a table should be reachable from DB explorer tree 2017-01-08
271726 db Code antoniodiego REOP --- Problem on using HSQLDB 2018-06-05
267742 db Code lfischmeistr REOP --- Not ticking remember password still remembers password 2016-12-14
179094 db Code lfischmeistr REOP --- db connection for metadata is not restored after hibernate or suspend 2013-08-01
138 bugs found.
