This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

Fri Oct 4 2024 18:19:11 UTC
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204 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
196959 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- SPI to intercept CallStackFrame.getSourcePath() 2011-03-22
57383 debugger Code issues NEW --- Enhancents to call stack view 2012-12-17
57384 debugger Code issues NEW --- Enhancements to local variables view 2012-12-17
81260 debugger Code issues NEW --- Visual representation of execution path in editor 2006-10-23
104029 debugger Code issues NEW --- Provide API for selection/iteration of viewmodel nodes 2007-05-15
133705 debugger Code issues NEW --- automatically open sessions view... 2008-04-25
137946 debugger Code issues NEW --- Support for non-java debuggers in the new debugging view 2008-06-23
175766 debugger Code issues NEW --- Run debugger tests via NbModuleSuite 2009-10-30
183398 debugger Code issues NEW --- Allow to override watch customize 2010-04-08
34339 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Update Programmers Guide 2011-08-31
36586 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Add support for text messages in Views. 2011-11-24
39263 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- better feedback on Fix & Continue 2011-08-31
80088 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Generify the debuggercore module and APIs 2008-04-25
103756 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- [DEBUGGER] Do not share watches between different languages sessions 2007-06-28
121270 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Incompatible API changes in debuggercore 2007-11-06
146508 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Deprecate and do not use VariablesFilter. 2008-09-08
181535 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Add LineBreakpoint into Debugger Core API 2010-03-10
223797 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Highlight changes in watches window -- debugger 2012-12-13
257857 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Be able to add breakpoints on types that are known during runtime. 2016-02-05
270088 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- netbeans shows current execution line but debugger is stopped 2017-03-16
270437 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- There is no way to view the full value of a string in the debugger if the length is greater than 80 characters. 2017-04-19
270459 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Impossible to change base presentation for multiple variables 2017-04-21
271641 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- xdebug always gives "waiting for connection" 2017-10-14
128420 debugger Code rondruska NEW --- Allow explicit selection of sources/platform to debug against 2008-11-13
33673 debugger Code issues NEW --- Verification should be added to New Watch dialog 2007-02-13
38762 debugger Code issues NEW --- Should be able to step backwards in execution-time 2014-08-01
39869 debugger Code issues NEW --- Identify output tabs 2005-05-12
47136 debugger Code issues NEW --- Add Breakpoint.getBreakpointType() 2010-01-21
51316 debugger Code issues NEW --- better location description in Call Stack window 2005-05-16
52741 debugger Code issues NEW --- ant debug macro does not allow a customize section 2006-02-01
58472 debugger Code issues NEW --- [41cat] Debugger regression - Can't list threads by object monitor 2008-04-25
59957 debugger Code issues NEW --- enhancements for the debugger similar to JB 2005 foundation 2005-12-13
67833 debugger Code issues NEW --- No indication if Local Variables contains current data 2008-04-25
79665 debugger Code issues NEW --- Change the "multi-breakpoint" glyph to the icon cycling 2008-04-25
81789 debugger Code issues NEW --- debug-single cannot have runtime args configured 2006-08-03
86550 debugger Code issues NEW --- huge String variable preview cannot be aborted 2006-10-05
87235 debugger Code issues NEW --- Better Access for Class, Method, Variable, Exception Breakpoints 2011-02-22
87288 debugger Code issues NEW --- Better Algorithm for prefilling 'New Breakpoint' 2006-10-17
90135 debugger Code issues NEW --- [Study][DB-3] Click and evaluate expression in Watches/Variable window 2007-08-29
90136 debugger Code issues NEW --- [Study][DB-4] Main debugger toolbar is ignored 2007-09-11
90146 debugger Code issues NEW --- [Study][DB-13] Sub-expression node is not visible in watches 2007-07-24
90154 debugger Code issues NEW --- [Study][DB-21] Move breakpoint with drag and drop 2009-11-24
91978 debugger Code issues NEW --- Making Apply code change more efficient 2007-01-08
92503 debugger Code issues NEW --- Undo in watch expression 2007-01-15
93158 debugger Code issues NEW --- Organization/adding of watches and watch window 2007-01-25
96311 debugger Code issues NEW --- Attach process by pid dialog should contain combobox with java processes 2007-02-22
98700 debugger Code issues NEW --- Condition editor pane of customized breakpoints should be verticaly resizable 2008-04-17
99160 debugger Code issues NEW --- Change layout of debugger windows 2012-10-29
105629 debugger Code issues NEW --- Make multi session debugging functionality more obvious 2007-06-04
121865 debugger Code issues NEW --- Ability to set/clear breakpoint from Navigator view, perhaps using DnD 2007-11-14
123204 debugger Code issues NEW --- Log of call history desired. 2007-12-02
130252 debugger Code issues NEW --- [69cat] Multiple Breakpoints with one click 2010-03-30
131993 debugger Code issues NEW --- How to deactive multisession debug support? 2008-04-03
138287 debugger Code issues NEW --- Netbeans should indicate whether thread is daemon or not 2009-01-12
140170 debugger Code issues NEW --- Ability to debug existing JAR files 2008-08-27
147266 debugger Code issues NEW --- Make breakpoints respond to refactoring 2008-09-15
149853 debugger Code issues NEW --- Debugging should start after pressing Step Over 2008-10-11
150851 debugger Code issues NEW --- [65cat] Open new window in reasonable location 2008-10-21
150865 debugger Code issues NEW --- [65cat] Best location for debugger windows ? 2008-10-21
153288 debugger Code issues NEW --- [65cat] Option needed, to stop JUnit timers, when debugging 2008-12-10
154947 debugger Code issues NEW --- "Local variables" window should show anonymous return values 2008-12-08
155070 debugger Code issues NEW --- New "Debug" item in editor's context menu 2010-07-01
155072 debugger Code issues NEW --- Display return value as tooltip 2009-03-11
160823 debugger Code issues NEW --- Debugger step / continue / etc. buttons hidden in full-screen mode 2009-03-23
161860 debugger Code issues NEW --- Go back in the debugger current session and allow code change 2009-04-03
163782 debugger Code issues NEW --- Debugger starts autom. / properties set = condition 2009-04-27
165657 debugger Code issues NEW --- [67cat] Method return value not displayed by "normal" step through 2009-05-22
166981 debugger Code issues NEW --- sourceless java debugging 2009-06-15
167302 debugger Code issues NEW --- Do not allow to sort table of the Call Stack view 2009-06-18
169116 debugger Code issues NEW --- breakpoint mouse double click should enable/disable breakpoint 2013-09-12
170622 debugger Code issues NEW --- Stack filter 2009-08-25
171817 debugger Code issues NEW --- Run to Cursor on Right click 2009-09-09
173165 debugger Code issues NEW --- Debug is slow, the whole panel is reloaded 2009-09-27
173576 debugger Code issues NEW --- Switching between debugging sessions 2009-10-02
174019 debugger Code issues NEW --- [68cat] Automate stepping through a process 2009-10-07
174440 debugger Code issues NEW --- uncheck “Generate debugging info” should disallow adding new breakpoints 2009-10-13
174773 debugger Code issues NEW --- [68cat] Change context menu functions to buttons 2009-10-16
174774 debugger Code issues NEW --- [68cat] Move debugger settings to 2010-01-25
175847 debugger Code issues NEW --- Multiple debugger sessions difficult to distinguish in OW 2009-11-03
185259 debugger Code issues NEW --- Introduce API for Attach History 2010-05-11
185418 debugger Code issues NEW --- [69cat] Need Annotation Glyph for Invalid Conditional Line Breakpoints 2011-11-04
185751 debugger Code issues NEW --- [69cat] "Display As" for Collection's 2010-05-07
34336 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- replace lists in New Breakpoint Dialog by some tree choosers 2011-08-31
38100 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Debugger Plug-in should be able to modify actions in Debugger Views 2011-08-31
41473 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Create language-foo plugin example 2013-01-10
56468 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- [60cat] View do not remember collapsed/expanded state of nodes 2013-08-06
103871 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Properly integrate omniscient debugging 2007-12-04
136008 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Provide a mechanism to register additional actions in Debug Main Project toolbar button. 2008-05-29
141673 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- attach dialog usability 2010-05-03
173631 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Add SELECT to AsynchronousModelFilter.CALL enum 2009-10-02
178079 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Allow sorting source roots by drag & drop 2009-12-08
180008 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Display an error when it's not possible to retrieve values. 2010-01-29
187393 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- [69cat] Missing Debug Main Project Icon in Menu Item Gutter 2011-11-04
191878 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Make breakpoint creation dialog non modal. 2010-11-12
197462 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Dragging of breakpoint glyphs 2011-04-05
198878 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Add new button: Run to end 2013-08-12
200836 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- If Debugger Console tab is closed, it cannot be opened again 2011-08-10
202321 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Open sessions view if second session started 2011-10-18
202782 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- DebuggerEngineProvider.Registration behaves different than META-INF/debugger 2011-09-28
204527 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Inconsistant breakpoint creation behaviour 2011-11-01
205281 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Please make the debug variables window expandable. When we do a mouse over on a variable we get a small window of variables with values. It would be nice if it's expandable. 2011-11-18
205311 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- While debugging editing should be disabled or user debug session terminated 2011-11-18
207404 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- The properties window popup which comes during mouse over in debug mode is not expandable. Many times I felt like it would be nice if I can drag the corners and expand it. 2012-01-17
212309 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Automatically remove component breakpoints when GUI snapshot is closed 2013-02-21
217909 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Use "Expression evaluation" window for all debuggers. 2012-09-07
219945 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Variable Window displays are truncated on expansion 2012-10-24
225163 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- cannot search all (nested) local variables 2013-01-22
226437 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Delete Breakpoints when they lose Context 2014-12-06
236228 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Variable inspector window should be resizable, or if not possible, then at the very least the columns should be 2x wider. 2016-05-03
237587 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Force Run To Cursor - "Run To Cursor while ignoring other breakpoints" 2013-10-23
237590 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Call stack: Switch to frame on single click - not double click - to improve usability 2013-10-23
237591 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Call stack: Hide frames from libraries 2013-10-23
238054 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Add notes to breakpoints 2013-11-06
239564 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Evaluate Expression window difficult to find 2015-04-20
239770 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Make quick watch window resizeable 2014-01-09
240282 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Saving GUI snapshot as image 2014-01-11
240514 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Unnecessary boxing underline supresses Step Over Expression underline 2014-01-15
240685 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Breakpoint sort order 2014-01-20
241166 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Fast way to evalute expression is needed 2015-08-07
241459 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Ask for a restart when "Apply code changes" is unavailable, for example in method signature changes. 2014-02-06
242033 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- While debugging Highlight variables that are null in code window. 2014-02-18
243914 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Inability to post a message to the Debugging View message bar 2014-07-17
244380 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- The "Evaluate Expression" window background turns to white for Norway Today theme 2016-05-03
247493 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- InstantiationException: org.netbeans.modules.debugger.jpda.js.FirstSourceURLProvider 2015-10-29
248370 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Please add feature/option to show inline values while debugging 2015-07-30
249876 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Tip, it should be an 'select all' or 'copy all' button, when watching variabels and open value(text box) 2015-01-19
250475 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Ability to view multiline strings inline (in Variables tab) 2015-02-26
253264 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Add creation time column to Debugging/Breakpoints display 2015-08-07
253326 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- User-defined variables should not scroll out of view when stepping over/into code 2015-07-06
253971 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Inspect Variable 2015-07-30
255854 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- NumberFormatException: For input string: "WatchType" 2015-10-12
255944 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Breakpoints are removed just after the SVN commit 2015-10-15
256889 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.netbeans.modules.cnd.debugger.common2.debugger.NativeDebuggerManager$LazyInitializer 2016-01-20
257597 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Variables tab collapses variables while stepping over code 2016-02-17
258398 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Debug state not visible | Stop debug button disabled 2016-03-21
267504 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Sources view not updating with debug view 2016-08-12
268109 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- [82cat] pinnable watches open at a different place 2016-10-03
268194 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Watch window input field renders incorrectly 2016-09-27
268757 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Variable tooltips are too hard to copy text from 2016-10-31
268761 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Breakpoints list showing up empty during debugging session 2016-12-27
269544 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- When i debug Java Desktop code with String of Arrays and Arraylist type String, the variables doesnt show correct information, i can sahre picture about this issue 2017-01-13
269789 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Debugger not stops at breakpoint with linebreak 2017-02-10
270035 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: No EditorKit for 'text/x-ant+xml' mimetype. 2017-03-09
270064 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- hover variable tooltip behavior in debug broken in C++ netbeans 8.2 2017-03-13
270860 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Linux freeze when debugging propertyChange method 2017-06-12
270960 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.debugger.ui.views.ViewModelListener$ 2017-06-25
271006 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- pinnable watch added by mistake, needs more deliberate action to pin 2017-06-30
271284 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- wew 2017-08-13
271358 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.debugger.ui.DebuggerManagerListener$ToolbarContainerListener.componentAdded 2017-08-23
271435 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Adding Angular modules causes debugger to hang on multiple restarts 2017-09-07
271542 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- CHAR as variable name 2017-09-28
271896 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManager.refreshDebuggerManagerListeners 2017-12-09
127885 debugger Code dprusa NEW --- Missing Help button in New Breakpoint ... dialog 2009-12-02
156521 debugger Code dprusa NEW --- "Information" icon for history - Evaluate Expression 2009-02-19
14911 debugger Code issues NEW --- Possible jump from glyph to Debugger window|Call stack tab 2005-05-13
16169 debugger Code issues NEW --- Fixed watches defined by special format of the expression. 2005-05-13
16370 debugger Code issues NEW --- CallStack view should scroll 2005-05-13
19870 debugger Code issues NEW --- Allow multiple debugger windows to be open 2005-05-16
20239 debugger Code issues NEW --- Display values of "very local" variables. 2005-05-16
22170 debugger Code issues NEW --- Request for "Quick Watch" 2015-02-17
23640 debugger Code issues NEW --- Add Pause and Continue to the contextual menu of sessions 2005-05-16
24468 debugger Code issues NEW --- Evaluate and modify variable while debugging 2005-05-16
24726 debugger Code issues NEW --- Method and line columns should be available for the thread list 2005-05-16
24754 debugger Code issues NEW --- Allow stack to show full information about the calls 2005-05-16
37540 debugger Code issues NEW --- Superfluous PropertyChangeListeners in the new API 2005-05-16
60803 debugger Code issues NEW --- debugger session should be ended when closing a projetc 2005-09-05
67499 debugger Code issues NEW --- Lose Expansion on Variables 2005-10-25
85844 debugger Code issues NEW --- Attach dialog resizes when switching between debugger types 2006-09-27
99243 debugger Code issues NEW --- New Watch action in Local Variables 2007-03-28
100205 debugger Code issues NEW --- Detect projects compiled without debug info 2007-04-06
147301 debugger Code issues NEW --- Help to New Watch dialog should be renamed 2008-09-15
154708 debugger Code issues NEW --- New Watch dialog when watching expression from Evaluate Expression dialog 2009-02-19
187209 debugger Code issues NEW --- [69cat] Debugger claims to be stopped at a breakpoint while the thread in question is running and producing output 2010-10-20
26697 debugger Code lcincura NEW --- Testing 64bit solaris programs 2005-05-16
158666 debugger Code leostronicek NEW --- Newly added actions have icon shifted up at toolbar 2009-12-02
66788 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- New columns size in debugger views 2012-11-27
67567 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Breakpoint highlighting in Breakpoints view problem 2009-12-17
148650 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Can't switch between java/jsp in sessions view with multiple debugging sessions 2012-10-10
182027 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- [69cat] Debugger: Step Into Next Method Gutter Glyph 2012-11-14
203699 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- [71cat] could not set breakpoints 2012-10-25
206004 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Finish ant debugger session does not work the first time 2011-12-06
218812 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Menu item with all children being disabled should be disabled too 2012-09-23
220313 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Show suspending thread in annotation tooltip of conditional breakpoint 2012-10-17
226039 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- Debugging view: Use the same icon for active stack trace entry as in call stack 2013-02-13
230443 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- InstantiationException: org.netbeans.modules.web.javascript.debugger.actions.DebuggerActionsProvider 2013-05-29
238108 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- When setting breakpoints, mouse cursor position is way too sensitive 2013-11-08
254256 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- IDE allows to toggle line breakpoint on a method declaration 2015-08-12
256237 debugger Code mentlicher NEW --- typo in error message when unable to attach debugger to running local java application 2015-10-28
90133 debugger Code issues STAR --- [Study][DB-1] Running multiple debugging sessions accidentally 2009-12-10
104268 debugger Code mentlicher STAR --- Inherited fields in heapwalker fields view 2007-09-17
267433 debugger Code mentlicher STAR --- Formatting code while actively debugging causes glitches in debugger highlightings 2016-09-01
148359 debugger Code dds.dhawal STAR --- Table headers should not be displayed when tables have nothing to display. 2011-10-31
20556 debugger Code issues REOP --- Enhance debugger console to display tracing information 2011-09-20
37121 debugger Code issues REOP --- Tooltips are not updated 2008-04-16
44574 debugger Code issues REOP --- Local Variables - add Create Expression Watch action 2005-12-13
136229 debugger Code issues REOP --- Support "Show As ..." for whole arrays too 2012-10-29
183423 debugger Code mentlicher REOP --- RFE -- create icon for toolbar -- for debug project -- not just debug main project 2012-06-09
198481 debugger Code mentlicher REOP --- Debug variable value - no Copy action 2011-05-11
226236 debugger Code mentlicher REOP --- A way of telling the debugger what value to be used. 2013-02-19
256161 debugger Code mentlicher REOP --- Debug drop-down carries duplicates and shows deleted project 2015-11-04
24280 debugger Code issues REOP --- Add Watch can suggest incorrect watch to add 2005-05-16
27709 debugger Code issues REOP --- Call stack panel could contain name of the thread 2005-04-20
63593 debugger Code mentlicher REOP --- Content of config/Services/ not pruned 2016-04-25
123984 debugger Code mentlicher REOP --- Step Over inconsistent with Step Into 2007-12-14
204 bugs found.
