This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

Mon Oct 7 2024 11:24:39 UTC
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187 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
257733 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- Test result panel displays twice last test in module. 2016-01-28
208132 java TestNG jungi NEW --- Mixed mode 2012-02-07
208292 java TestNG jungi NEW --- Output Window should show output by failed tests 2012-11-14
219939 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- TestNG functional testing support helper methods 2013-07-03
240025 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- [80cat] rename of package does not affect test 2014-01-10
255721 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- Running or debugging of individual TestNG tests sometimes does not work 2015-10-06
255852 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.ui.StatisticsPanel.createRerunButtons 2017-04-28
256287 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.ant.TestNGOutputReader.addStackTrace 2015-10-31
257320 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- TestNG remote: need feedback before release 2015-12-28
257398 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.ui.wizards.NewTestSuiteWizardIterator.instantiate 2016-01-04
258704 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.output.TestNGOutputReader.testTaskFinished 2016-04-07
260720 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.Report.<init> 2016-05-10
262710 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- The Create Tests dialogue should not give a warning if the test ends with just "Test" 2016-07-07
268553 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.ui.api.TestCreatorPanelDisplayer.isJ2MEProject 2017-10-04
269320 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.ant.TestNGOutputReader.testTaskFinished 2017-05-03
269606 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- ClassCastException: org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.Testcase cannot be cast to bv.offa.netbeans.cnd.unittest.api.CndTestCase 2018-03-10
270393 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException: The project parameter cannot be null 2017-04-13
270779 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- NullPointerException at bv.offa.netbeans.cnd.unittest.TestSupportUtils.getUniqueDeclaratonName 2017-06-01
271378 java TestNG theofanis NEW --- Incorrect result bar for Suite (with @DataProvider) 2017-08-27
154255 java TestNG jungi NEW --- Both of test methods with another paratameters run by re-running failed tests 2008-12-01
207886 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE Cannot run TestNG tests in Ant project 2012-03-22
188288 java TestNG kaktus RESO FIXE Uncompilable 2010-07-02
213939 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE [72cat] Not able to debug TestNG suite 2012-06-24
214395 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE [72cat] TestNG wizard for Maven projects changes dependency version and generates not compilable code 2012-06-24
223660 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Upgrade testng to newest stable version 2013-05-04
249163 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException: Passed null to FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(FileObject) 2014-12-09
175337 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE Incorrect test result using dataproviders 2011-12-22
188376 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE Provide an ability to run custom test set 2012-01-02
208105 java TestNG jungi RESO DUPL Unable to debug TestNG tests 2012-04-19
211376 java TestNG theofanis RESO DUPL No actions work on tests created via TestNG with CoS 2012-04-18
212386 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Running test with CoS does not reflect changes in test 2012-05-15
212622 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Distinguish between skipped and paseed test - make possible to filter skipped 2013-09-04
213598 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE AssertionError: Unsupported action: DEBUG_TESTMETHOD 2012-06-14
214230 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE TestNG fails when trying to debug a test suite 2012-06-15
214758 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK Parametrized test are not supported well 2012-06-26
215236 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK A Junit test that runs in 7.1.2 fails to run in 7.2RC1 2012-07-09
217294 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Module tests are run multiple times when a suite is tested 2012-09-05
218645 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE new testNG wizards do not specify category 2012-09-21
223129 java TestNG theofanis RESO DUPL Running custom test set. 2013-01-10
248282 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE TestNG option does not available anymore 2015-01-04
249036 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 7 2015-08-20
229667 java TestNG cyhelsky RESO FIXE Memory Leak in gsf.codecoverage.CoverageSideBar 2013-05-13
121395 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE Support other unit testing frameworks (TestNG) 2008-11-26
130605 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE Please support TestNG 2012-01-29
146853 java TestNG jungi RESO DUPL NullPointerException: Must pass non-null build script 2008-11-26
147188 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE implement testng maven integration 2008-11-26
149464 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE CoS and testNg 2012-04-20
154052 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.actions.RunTestClassAction.performAction 2012-01-02
154069 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.actions.RunTestMethodAction.performAction 2008-11-28
154070 java TestNG jungi RESO WORK UnsupportedOperationException: Project in D:\repo-svn\SmartSign\branches\_SmartSign_uni-swing of class has a ProjectClassPathModifierImplementation bu 2008-11-28
154071 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException: Called DataObject.find on null 2008-11-28
154072 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 2010-01-08
154073 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.ProjectUtilities.isAntProject 2009-02-19
154074 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NoClassDefFoundError: org/netbeans/modules/maven/api/NbMavenProject 2012-04-18
154075 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.ant.AntTestNGSupport.isProjectSupported 2009-02-19
154076 java TestNG jungi RESO DUPL NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.actions.RunTestClassAction.performAction 2010-01-08
154190 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE Can't debug servlet when the test method throws ServletException 2010-01-08
154195 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE It will be nice to can run or debug test classes from popup menu in project view 2012-04-18
154253 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE Cannot set parameters for test methods 2012-01-02
154254 java TestNG jungi RESO WONT Can't step out from method with BeforeClass notation into another method 2012-04-20
157472 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.actions.RunTestMethodAction.performAction 2012-04-18
157874 java TestNG jungi RESO WONT Installing the recent plugins to a fresh nb 6.5 fails 2011-12-22
164156 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException: Parameter file was not normalized. Was C:\DOCUME~1\edewit\LOCALS~1\Temp\temp-testng-customsuite.xml instead of C:\Documents and Settings\edewit\Local Settings\Temp\temp-testn 2010-01-08
166272 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NullPointerException: Must pass non-null build script 2012-04-18
177836 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE fix testng plugin to use common testrunner apis 2010-01-07
179132 java TestNG jungi RESO DUPL NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.actions.RunTestClassAction.performAction 2010-01-08
183743 java TestNG jungi RESO WONT NullPointerException at org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.createFolder 2012-04-20
193353 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.actions.RunTestClassAction.performAction 2012-01-02
195667 java TestNG jungi RESO INVA IllegalArgumentException: run-testng 2013-08-15
198564 java TestNG jungi RESO DUPL TestNG Plug-in for 7.0 does not appear in option list in IDE 2012-04-19
200457 java TestNG jungi RESO DUPL IllegalArgumentException: run-testng 2012-04-20
201789 java TestNG jungi RESO WONT NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.actions.RunTestMethodAction.performAction 2012-04-19
202386 java TestNG jungi RESO WONT build.xml name hard coded in 2012-04-18
207437 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NoSuchMethodError: org.netbeans.modules.maven.api.execute.RunConfig.setProperty(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; 2012-02-06
207967 java TestNG jungi RESO INVA Testng test marked as success while it actually failed 2012-02-06
218415 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE NetBeans modifies my pom.xml whenever a new TestNG test case is created 2012-10-17
210292 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE AssertionError: Unsupported action: RUN_TESTMETHOD 2012-06-14
210293 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Unable to run single test (s-f6) 2012-04-20
210359 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException: test.single 2012-04-21
210363 java TestNG theofanis RESO WONT "Test" action does not run any test by default 2012-05-14
210369 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK Invalid test results shown after running "test" from project popup 2012-03-29
210436 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE New TestNG Test Case wizard needs help id 2012-04-04
210458 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.ui.TestUtil.getPluginForProject 2012-04-04
210695 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Running TestNG testcases with CoS does not work in maven projects 2012-04-18
210697 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Test action on project does not run all testcases 2012-04-19
210830 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE unable to run Test File from class or from test class 2012-04-20
211198 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Import section does not correspond to the specified code style rules in generated testNG template 2012-04-25
211199 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Add "import static org.testng.Assert.*" to generated testNG template 2012-04-26
211204 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Error: package org.testng does not exist 2012-04-16
211205 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Inapproriate package for generated TestNG tamplates 2012-04-19
211246 java TestNG theofanis RESO DUPL TestNG doesn't run, but JUnit 2012-04-16
211252 java TestNG theofanis RESO WONT Single tests run, but project test fails 2012-04-19
211357 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Diff on templates does nothing 2012-04-17
211364 java TestNG theofanis RESO DUPL setUpClass() and tearDownClass() duplicated in generated blank TestNG test 2012-06-20
212010 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.ui.DefaultPlugin.getSrcResName 2012-05-05
212159 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Testwizard always wants to create junit tests at first 2013-02-14
212385 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Debugging testNG test steps into testNG classes (which is not interesting) 2012-05-24
212514 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.output.TestNGOutputReader.addStackTrace 2012-10-26
212533 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK Test results window shows different test count than testNG output 2013-06-05
212576 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Failed test should not fail whole build process (and therefore focus output window) 2012-05-17
212581 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK "Profile test file" action finishes test run with error 2012-11-20
212589 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Problems with running test suite in maven project 2012-12-03
212593 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Test results window does not take in account @Test(invocationCount) 2012-05-16
212646 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NumberFormatException: null 2012-05-22
212649 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.output.TestNGOutputReader.addStackTrace 2012-11-15
213223 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE org.netbeans.modules.testng.TestNGEntityResolver loaded on startup 2013-12-19
213334 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK Run/Debug Focused Test Method disabled 2012-06-15
213447 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.contrib.testng.actions.RunTestClassAction.performAction 2012-06-04
213601 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Go to Source for test class disabled in test results window 2012-10-30
213603 java TestNG theofanis RESO DUPL NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.output.TestNGOutputReader.addStackTrace 2012-10-26
213612 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Running JUnit test in maven using testng does not execute test when CoS is on 2015-09-14
215317 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException: Must pass non-null build script 2012-11-01
215774 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK Create unittest using right framework for Maven project 2012-11-20
217529 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Progress bar and time passed incorrect in TestNG test results window 2012-10-28
217678 java TestNG theofanis RESO DUPL NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.output.TestNGOutputReader.addStackTrace 2012-10-26
219094 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 2012-11-23
219957 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE AssertionError: Cannot match: 'PASSED: "Com'. 2013-09-27
219958 java TestNG theofanis RESO INCO [73cat] NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.output.TestNGOutputReader.testTaskFinished 2012-11-12
221819 java TestNG theofanis RESO WONT [73cat] Test Results for TestNG tests with @DataProvider do not include the actual parameters 2013-05-06
222985 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE IllegalArgumentException: Called DataObject.find on null 2012-12-06
223609 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE [73cat] View differences not shown for more recent TestNG releases 2013-05-04
223675 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.ant.AntTestNGSupport$AntExecutor.execute 2012-12-17
223676 java TestNG theofanis RESO INCO NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.output.TestNGOutputReader.addStackTrace 2012-12-13
225318 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE org.netbeans.modules.testng.ui.GoToOppositeAction.appliesTo: LowPerformance took 3644 ms. 2013-08-15
225992 java TestNG theofanis RESO DUPL Allow selection by default in the Create Test wizard 2013-02-12
229860 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Ctrl-F6 (Test File) does not work from the tested classes for TestNG tests in NB module projects 2013-05-19
231162 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Unable to remove Maven TestNG Support plugin without removing all Java support 2013-08-13
231558 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA [dark] Test filter buttons background has wrong color. 2013-06-20
232436 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE AssertionError: Project was null for projectURI: memory://fs3/ 2013-12-07
233800 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE LowPerformance took 55970 ms. 2013-10-31
234321 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA java.lang.IllegalStateException: No FileObject found for the following URL: XXX at 2013-08-14
234353 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Strange test results when running TestNG test suite for NB Module project 2013-09-01
234354 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE "Run again" and "Debug" context menu methods do not work for NB Module project with TestNG testing infrastructure. 2013-08-22
234473 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Cannot remove TestNG without remove Java 2013-08-19
234786 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Disable creation of TestNG tests for Mobile applications on other OS than Windows 2013-11-02
235932 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.ResultWindow.getCurrentResultView 2013-09-27
237821 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.Report.<init> 2013-12-06
239044 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE AssertionError: Project was null for projectURI: memory://fs5/ 2013-12-06
239084 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.CommonTestsCfgOfCreate.createNameAndLocationPanel 2013-12-05
239383 java TestNG theofanis RESO INCO NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.output.TestNGOutputReader.addStackTrace 2015-01-20
239477 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.TestsuiteNode 2013-12-13
239501 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification 2013-12-18
240420 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.Report.<init> 2014-02-07
241293 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 2014-02-04
241561 java TestNG theofanis RESO INCO NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.NewTestWizardIterator.instantiate 2014-02-12
241846 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE AssertionError: Project was null for projectURI: memory://fs61/ 2014-02-14
242538 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.Report.<init> 2014-07-08
242914 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.actions.TestNGTestCreatorProvider.createTests 2014-07-04
243263 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at java.awt.Container.addImpl 2014-04-27
243765 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException: Passed null to FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(FileObject) 2014-04-27
243970 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE Method name refactoring does not rename the correct test method 2014-07-19
244356 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils.getInformation 2014-05-17
244616 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.CommonTestsCfgOfCreate.fillFormData 2014-05-31
245073 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.NewTestWizardIterator.instantiate 2014-07-04
245412 java TestNG theofanis RESO INVA Bad support Testng and Maven 2014-07-16
247596 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException: Passed null to FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(FileObject) 2014-10-07
247679 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE TestNG UI says no tests were executed but really were 2015-09-15
250191 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.api.TestNGUtils.createTests 2015-09-04
250446 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK NoSuchMethodError: java.util.Collection.iteratOr()Ljava/util/Iterator; 2015-09-14
250512 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK Ant Suite repeatedly show only one testng class names when running same class name on different test name 2015-09-14
251812 java TestNG theofanis RESO WORK Under OS/X when a test fails with an exception during a Maven build the underlying process is not terminated 2015-09-14
252311 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.api.TestsuiteNode.cutLine 2015-05-19
252485 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 2015-09-14
253293 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE ClassCastException: org.openide.nodes.ChildFactory$WaitFilterNode cannot be cast to org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.ui.api.TestMethodNode 2015-09-15
253636 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.ui.CommonTestsCfgOfCreate.updateClassName 2015-07-24
253853 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.ui.CommonTestsCfgOfCreate.shouldShowClassToTestInfo 2015-09-04
254069 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.ui.CommonTestsCfgOfCreate.updateClassName 2015-09-14
254226 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 2015-09-14
255104 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.ui.StatisticsPanel.createRerunButtons 2015-09-10
255400 java TestNG theofanis RESO FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.ui.CommonTestsCfgOfCreate.updateClassName 2015-09-18
148209 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE Missing description for "TestNG Support" plugin 2008-11-26
154214 java TestNG jungi RESO WORK Re-run Failed Tests action doesn't work right in some cases 2012-10-26
154250 java TestNG jungi RESO WONT Running or debugging methods which depends on another one finish with exception 2012-04-20
177834 java TestNG jungi RESO FIXE upgrade testng lib to 5.11 2011-05-16
183612 java TestNG jungi RESO WORK [69cat] UnsupportedOperationException: Project in /home/hmichel/projetos/genesis-3.2/samples/genesis-platform-test of class org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.FreeformProject has neither a ProjectClassPathModi 2012-10-26
214025 java TestNG mentlicher VERI FIXE Cannot debug test NG test in JavaSE Ant project 2012-06-14
214200 java TestNG theofanis VERI FIXE [72cat] Not able to create TestNG tests when some of the class types were unchecked 2012-06-26
230529 java TestNG theofanis VERI FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.actions.TestNGTestCreatorProvider.createTests 2013-06-06
240848 java TestNG theofanis VERI FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.gsf.testrunner.CommonTestsCfgOfCreate.fireFrameworkChanged 2014-01-27
212516 java TestNG theofanis VERI FIXE Unable to run test suites in src/test/resources/* - action is disabled 2012-05-16
154247 java TestNG jungi VERI FIXE Debugging after calling wrong debugging action doesn't work 2010-02-01
212381 java TestNG musilt2 VERI FIXE Unable to navigate to failure - no stracktrace in results nor output 2012-12-12
210553 java TestNG theofanis VERI FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.ui.DefaultPlugin.getTestResName 2012-04-05
211367 java TestNG theofanis VERI FIXE No TestNG tests executed 2012-04-25
211696 java TestNG theofanis VERI FIXE Assert.assertEquals() parameters generated the wrong way around 2012-05-02
216647 java TestNG theofanis VERI FIXE NullPointerException at org.netbeans.modules.testng.NewTestWizardIterator.instantiate 2012-09-27
234352 java TestNG theofanis VERI FIXE Rerun from Test Results window does not work for NB Module project with TestNG test 2013-08-28
187 bugs found.
