This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.


Temporary home for newly contributed code.

Select a component to see open bugs in that component.

Component Default Assignee
Avatar.js Martin Entlicher
Buildmonitor Jesse Glick
Closed for entry.
Code issues@contrib
Temporary home for newly contributed code.
Codecoverage Martin Schovanek
EMMA support
DocBook _ tboudreau
DocBook XML editing module and project type module.
Erlang _ dcaoyuan
Erlang language support.
Support for navigate to a file in the current project by entering its name (similar to the Go to Class action, but it works for any file, not only for classes)
Filecopy issues@contrib
File transfer executor incl. FTP
Flying Saucer CSS Preview Marek Fukala
Flying Saucer CSS Preview
Fuse Martin Fousek
PHP Fuse Framework support
Importcruncher _ tboudreau
Organize Imports
Jackpot issues@contrib
Closed for entry; see:
Jalopy _ moser
Jalopy source formatter integration.
Java Usages Navigator
Java3D Paul Byrne
Support for development using Java 3D API
JMX Jean-francois Denise
Management related topics. JMX module and much more.
Latex issues@contrib
Latex support
License Changer nhoffmann
Problems in License Changer plugin [1] allowing to change license headers in Java, JavaFX, Groovy, XML and Properties files. [1]
Looks Petr Hrebejk
Looks API
Module Manager Jiri Rechtacek
Module manager of NetBeans modules
Naming issues@contrib
Implementation of JNDI over content of SystemFilesystem
Nimbus Theme Stanislav Aubrecht
Node.js _ tboudreau
Support for JavaScript projects and running files using node.js
Omnidebugger Jesse Glick
Closed for entry.
Other issues@contrib
Other issues not belonging to existing components.
Perspective _ theanuradha
Perspective Functionality
PlatformX _ wadechandler
Stable 3rd party modules/plugins/APIs for the NetBeans Platform.
PMD _ rkubacki
PMD plugin for NetBeans
Portalpack Satyaranjan D
Portlet application development support
Projectpackager Roman Strobl
Provides packaging of projects into ZIP archives and sending these ZIPs by e-mail. Import back into the IDE is supported as well.
Quick Filechooser Jesse Glick
Replaces regular Swing file chooser with a keyboard-oriented version.
Registry issues@contrib
RemoteFS remotefs@contrib
Remote filesystem capability incl. FTP
Scala _ dcaoyuan
Scala language tools.
Sysprops sysprops@contrib
View & edit Java system properties & environment variables insid
Tasklist tasklist-issues@contrib
To-do and task list module
Terminal Andrei Badea
Open a terminal emulator from NetBeans.
Workspace Switcher workspaceswitcher@contrib
Visual workspace/window manipulator