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Product Version: NetBeans IDE Dev (Build 200708270000) Java: 1.6.0_02; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_02-b05 System: Windows XP version 5.1 running on x86; Cp1251; ru_RU (nb) Steps to reproduce: Open any heapdump file. (I use an Netbeans heapdump and it has about 290000 instances of String). Select java.lang.String class in classes view and open it in Instances view. Select first instance in Instances pane using mouse. - Update of Fields and References panes takes about 2 seconds. Scroll through instances with keyboard (for example from 1 to 30 instance). - Update of Fields and References panes takes more than a minute.
This happens only when you scroll through instances with keyboard. Lowering priority to P3.
I would say this is not scrolling but sequential selecting. There is an easy workaround for scrolling - use the scrollbar. When explicitly selecting an instance, I would expect that you want to see the details for it. Anyway, a fix will be implemented that cancels resolving fields/references when another instance is selected. Not for 6.0.
Seems to be fixed by faster computing the references - see Issue 139744. Changing to ENHANCEMENT as canceling unneeded computations is still a valid improvement.
Milestone cleanup: future->next