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A usability study participant reported that he would have expected the "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" message to be highlighted in green color, to allow him to recognize the build result faster. He reported that, in the amount of text present in output window after build, this message (and error messages in case the build failed) is the only thing he is interested in.
Agreed, belongs to projects and/or output. Passing to projects and ccing output guys...
currently not possible to set arbitrary color on content in OW. depends on #52777
No plans to implement that.
Jesse, could you please be more specific why there are no plans to implement this? From my point of view, there's a good reason why to do it: using color would make possible to quickly distinguish important output info from unimportant.
There is no clear plan to implement issue #52777, which would be required. It is certainly not worth the trouble just to make BUILD SUCCESSFUL green. If it happens for other reasons, patching the Ant module to use it would not be hard.
Issue #52777 which this issue depends on has been implemented, which means this is now possible. Just to make BUILD SUCCESSFUL green would actually improve users' orientation in the text .. I've seen people complaining about this at least twice during usability studies. Once the compile is finished, the only piece of information users need to know is whether the code has been or has not been compiled. And if it has not, then they are interested in errors. But this crucial information is often difficult to locate in the amount of generated text and color would significantly help here.
Created attachment 77948 [details] Proposed patch
Possible with a small API change in the Ant module. Please review.
core-main #606b28b7c6a8. Also core-main #a18387577fc6 prints target names in gray, which looks better to me.
I've done the same for maven projects:
Integrated into 'main-golden', will be available in build *200903191401* on (upload may still be in progress) Changeset: User: Milos Kleint <> Log: #124366 build successfull line in green color
Integrated into 'main-golden', will be available in build *200903210201* on (upload may still be in progress) Changeset: User: Jesse Glick <> Log: #124366 tweak: use darker shade of green for BUILD SUCCESSFUL, at mslama's suggestion.