This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.
NetBeans IDE is no longer just Java IDE. We support many various languages: Java, Ruby, PHP, JSP, Javascript and so on. Each language support module implements its own parsing framework. We have Retouche for Java, GSF for Ruby, Schliemann for Javascript. Now is the right time to consiladate those framworks in order to avoid code duplication, improve performance, solve threading issues, consolidate features and allow language embedding. We want to create Parsing API to: * Unify registration of parsers * Allow language embedding * Allow file indexing * Unify threading, starting/canceling parser tasks * Avoid code duplication * Simplify implementation of language supports
Parsing API was merged to trunk. Java Module is rewritten on top of Parsing API. Indexing is not a part of this merge.
This has been done.