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NetBeans-JavaFX-Soma: #65 Product Version = NetBeans IDE 6.8 RC1 (Build 200911252200) (#3c4d4f8d3d55) Operating System = Windows XP version 5.1 running on x86 Java; VM; Vendor = 1.6.0_15; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 14.1-b02; Sun Microsystems Inc. Steps to reproduce: - Copy the code to the editor: ------------------------------------------- class A{ public var name:String = "A"; } class B extends A{ override var name = "B"; } ------------------------------------------- - Refactor->Rename the 'name' attribute to 'name2' in the B class Main.fx:14: cannot find symbol symbol : variable name location: class javafxapplication8.Main.B override var name = "B"; 1 error
Both renaming the attribute in the A and in the B class do not update the attribute in the B class.
fixed in
verified in NetBeans-JavaFX-Soma: #69
The fix has been ported into release68_fixes branch as
Verified in NB 6.8 Patch1 2010-01-28_00-36-51