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It would be great if there would be a feature to organize the members of a class, following the configuration specified by Editor->Formatting->Java->Code Generation.
Organize Members action and hint added.
Integrated into 'main-golden', will be available in build *201208211308* on (upload may still be in progress) Changeset: User: Dusan Balek <> Log: Issue #212528: Organize members feature added.
*** Bug 28294 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Dusan, I tried build 201209050001 but couldn't figure out how to use this feature. 1. How do you specify the sort order of members? 2. How do you tell Netbeans to sort them? I couldn't find the editor hint.
ad 1) Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Formatting -> Java -> Code Generation ad 2) Source -> Organize Members sorts members of the class under caret. Editor hint is disabled by default. It can be enabled via Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Hints -> Java -> Class Structure
Bug 28294 was closed as a duplicate of this issue, but I believe you're missing the requested functionality. I asked to be able to sort members by name and/or group getters/setters together. I tested the feature and it doesn't seem to support this.
You are right - Bug 28294 is not a duplicate of this issue.