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Hi, It would be super feature if netbeans could detects objects type from dependency injection container( and auto-complete with their methods. For example, $this->container->get('doctrine') returns a Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry instance. In the container, the key doctrine corresponds to Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry. Then netbeans could read container from console ´´php app/console container:debug´´ to discover which keys corresponds to which classes. This would be an awesome feature, I am sure, A lot of developer will love it! It could be done as well for zendframework 2. I believe there are a lot of developers that would like it.
Thanks for the report, we will try to look at it.
The easiest way to parse the file app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.xml This file provide all services informations, parameters, constructors : - name - return type - scope - tags - call The tag is services, with sub tag service for each of them.
if it is too difficult, maybe we could use annotation. Today, it is working for class variable, but not for variable in methods. Something like : // @var Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry $em=$this->container->get('doctrine');
Autocomplete works witrh netbeans if you use this syntax : /* @var $em \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry */ $em=$this->container->get('doctrine'); $em->...