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Maven Central seems to have a REST API for search. It would be ideal when adding a dependency not to use the local index but just query online. This could be a flag in the Maven setting page where the user could pick between local/index or online search.
In addition to the slowness, ome popular providers do not (and will never) provide an index, example: Code completion and search is broken with these providers, errors in the code are shown where there are no errors before build has run. Maybe make it P2? (Prevents users from completing work without significant or inefficient legwork) mkleint mentioned there's already an abstract search API with index search as only implementation.
While I would want this to be part of the official distro, the new API hooks Tomas added allow my plugin to search Maven central online and avoid the index download. See So I'm not closing this yet (since I want this to be an option in NetBeans proper) but it's much less of a pain in NetBeans 8.2
max, How will online search help with bintray? emi, The link you provided isn't a well-package plugin, so I agree there is still a strong need for this to go into Netbeans proper. Perhaps you could file your code as pull request?
@_ gtzabari: what kind of problems did you run into with the plugin?