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[ BUILD # : 040819 ] [ JDK VERSION : J2SE 1.4.2_05 ] The new installer for OS X is very nice and is much easier to use. However, the documentation for it does not describe how to add startup parameters for it. Attached is a sample netbeans.conf script I put together to specify larger heap sizes, etc. It needs to go in the /etc directory and be world readable. Someone using this script should be comfortable with the unix command line (Terminal) and be somewhat familiar with shell script. Later, perhaps one of us will write a nice GUI frontend for this. Until then... Travis
Created attachment 17207 [details] Unix shell script for /etc/netbeans.conf
Milos Kleint pointed out that only the MAVEN_HOME environment variable needs to be defined so one can use mevenide-netbeans. Changing the PATH variable is not needed. Also, here is a far more elegant solution provided by Thomas Much on the Apple java-dev list. "Download the preference pane "RCEnvironment" (" The description of the tool says "RCEnvironment is a preference pane for MacOS X 10.1 or higher that allows editing of a user's ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file. This file provides environment variable capability similar to Windows' Environment User Variables." For some, this may eliminate the need for a script at /etc/netbeans.conf. Travis
A couple comments: Also useful lineswitch: -J-XX:PermSize=24M - will eliminate some gc's during startup. Also, not recommended for everybody (it makes NetBeans hog memory from other apps), deleting the existing memory parameters and using -J-XX:+AgressiveHeap will have nice effects on NetBeans' performance, at the price of other apps swapping more. Marek, should this be assigned to you?
I have no idea about OS X installer. Maybe Trung? :)
Tim, thanks for the additional parameter suggestions. My intent with this issue was to suggest additional documentation on the NB web site for advanced users. Perhaps a "How To"? It would actually be useful for all *nix users, not just for Mac. I would be willing to help prepare it once the format and target audience is determined. Did you have something else in mind?
there is an undocumented feature in the 4.0 launcher. Besides the <inst>/etc/netbeans.conf it also parses ~/.netbeans/4.0/etc/netbeans.conf, in the order you would expect :-) The format of the latter is similar to the former conf file, except that netbeans_default_userdir is ignored for an understandable reason. If there are duplicates in both file what you put in ~/.netbeans/4.0/etc/netbeans.conf takes over. No merging is implemented.
Trung who can do this?
I'll take it. Will find some time to post an FAQ entry
does the FAQ exist somewhere? could someone post the link?
Assigned to new owner.