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Do not bundle multiple .properties files into a DataObject. This causes mostly problems, such as bug #26705 ("Find tool does not search localized properties files"), bug #32786 ("Creating new properties file with locale extension makes more tabs in editor") and bug #42919 ("Poor UI of *.properties used for non-I18N purposes").
This was dropped for D, then ignored for E. Any chance for F?
Yes, there is a chance for F. I am just collecting opinions on the change.
It seems there is no problem with splitting compound PropertiesDataObjects to multiple simpler PropertiesDataObjects. Most people have no objections agains the change of how multiple locales of a single resource bundle are displayed in the explorer (Projects view). The table view needs to be retained though. It provides functionality people find useful.
Several people were concerned about growing number of .properties nodes in the explorer. But it will hardly be serious problem because there is usually only one .properties used for localization per Java package and at most two locales. I even asked people working in a globalization team and saw a directory with multiple .properties file, each with several localized variants, but it was rather a working directory generated by an automatic test.
I am all for doing this even if we have to drop the table view. I never heard anyone complain about OS file manager displaying too many files, so I am not sure why people should complain about this in NetBeans. Just do it.
See how non-i18n usage was improved in issue 42919, however the need to eliminate the .properties file grouping is still valid.
Created attachment 75967 [details] Patch for the issue
Attached patch: - In BundleStructure method updateStructure maid protected to have ability to extend - Added 2 protected methods. - Added new class MultiBundleStructure extends BundleStructure - PropertiesDataLoader findPrimaryFile changed: Every property file created as separate DataObject - Added 2 protected methods in Util class - Significant changes maid in PropertiesOpen class Thus we have each properties file as separate DataObject and table view functionality preserved.
Created attachment 76070 [details] Updated patch
Removed wrong Keyword, because this change is not trivial.
Created attachment 76287 [details] Updated patch, added tests, and apichanges.xml
If there is no objections, I'm going to integrate this patch into trunk in 24 hours
pushed in Fri Jan 30 17:44:21 2009 +0300 changeset 7cce58411eaf
v. 200902011401 I hope to see it for patch 3.
Reopen the issue, because I've found some copy/paste issues, which should be fixed during M2 stabilization period. And dependency tree is not resolved yet.
I don't think it is good idea to put it into 6.5, because there are a lot of changes were made, which can cause regressions, so it is too risky for 6.5.
Integrated fix for copy/paste and rename issue changeset e1dddf1ea9a0
v. 200906241340