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On OSX there are specific places to keep preferences and cache files. There are numerous advantages to putting files in these places: * modules saved within the application are lost when the application is upgraded (many OSX users are used to replacing the entire application during an upgrade) * .netbeans is invisible in the Finder and this makes it awkward to edit its contents * ~/Library/Application Support/Netbeans/ is a good place for user specific modules * /Library/Application Support/Netbeans is a good place for system wide modules * ~/Library/Preferences/Netbeans is where a user would expect to find their preferences * ~/Library/Caches/Netbeans is where cache files should go * By putting files in these places many OSX features work better: users who have file server mounted home directories would normally point ~/Library/Caches/ to a local disk; automated backup scripts usually look for preferences in the Preferences folder; users who migrate to a new home directory would often miss an invisible .netbeans folder; etc. Hopefully these changes are relatively easy to accomplish.