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Why is the issue marked FIXED when I still see the bug in the latest version?

The life cycle of an issue has several stages, and FIXED does not automatically mean that the fix for the problem is really available in the latest snapshot version. Instead, if an issue is marked as FIXED, then it just means that the developer checked in the fix - it doesn't imply the fix is available in a snapshot

Developers work on branches only (so-called child workspaces or CWS), while the snapshot is made from cvs-HEAD. FIXED only means the fix made it into a CWS, within any information when it will be publicly available.

If you want to see the status of the CWS where an issue is fixed,

This will give you a list of CWS' to which the respective task has been added to (usually exactly one). Also, administrative information about the CWS is shown, the most interesting being the "Milestone (integrated)" column. Only if you have a snapshot with a milestone number greater or equal to the one shown here, you can expect the bug to be fixed.

Note that if the "Milestone (integrated)" field is empty for the CWS you found, this simply means the fix is not yet available in any snapshot.

If all of the above is too much to know for you, the easy rule is: If a bug is CLOSED, it should be fixed in a snapshot. If it's only FIXED, don't expect anything.
The reasoning is in the task handling policies, as written down on the QA pages, in particular in A Bug's lifetime.

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