Priority 1 ----------- This priority is for issues that make it impossible to work with the version! Examples: - Issue doesn't allow testing of a complete module or functional complex. - Issue hinders the creation of documentation. - Issue hinders automatic testing significantly - Issue hinders other development significantly These issues have to be handled immediately and must be fixed before release. Priority 2 ----------- This priority describes major bugs. Examples: - Crashes in basic functionality - Freezes in basic functionality - Data loss - Functional area gets lost (i.e. printing) - Basic functionality is not working correctly Issues with this priority must be fixed before release. Priority 3 ----------- This priority is for "standard" bugs Examples: - Standard keyboard shortcuts do not work - menu shotcuts do not work - single function doesn't work the way it is supposed to be, but none of the P2 criteria apply - product crashes only in very special circumstances Issues with this priority must be fixed before release. Priority 4 ----------- This priority is for less annoying issues. Examples: - Typos - non-intuitive way to achieve "standard" issues - bugs that are easy to workround Issues with this priority are desired to be fixed before release. Not fixing issues with this priority has a less negative impact than not shipping in time. Priority 5 ----------- Issues with this priority are not relevant for a release. Developers can decide if they fix them or not. Examples: - a control with an offset of a few pixels - minor repaint errors - slightly inconsistent user interface Issues with this priority are not relevant for a release. Developers can decide if they fix them or not.