******************************************************************** * * * OpenOffice.org build configuration. * * * * The configure process checks your platform to see whether * * you can build OpenOffice.org on it. * * This process checks all pre-requisites and generates a file * * containing the necessary environment variables. * * Source this file after configure has ended successfully. * * * * Any warning that is generated during the configure process * * must be taken into account since it can be a reason for * * an unsuccessful build of OpenOffice.org * * * ******************************************************************** ******************************************************************** * * * Checking the platform pre-requisites. * * * ******************************************************************** checking for gawk... gawk checking for gawk... /usr/bin/gawk checking for sed... /usr/bin/sed checking for solenv environment... default checking build system type... i686-pc-cygwin checking host system type... i686-pc-cygwin checking target system type... i686-pc-cygwin cygwin checking Cygwin version... 1.5.24(0.156/4/2) checking whether to enable crashdump feature... no checking whether to enable pch feature... no checking whether to use the standard non-optimizing compiler... no checking whether to turn warnings to errors... no checking whether to do a debug build... no checking whether to build with additional debug utilities... no, full product build checking whether to include symbols into final build... no checking whether to strip the solver or not.... checking whether to enable native CUPS support... no checking whether to enable fontconfig support... no checking whether to enable filters for legacy binary file formats (StarOffice 5.2)... no checking whether to use DirectX... no checking whether to use ActiveX... no checking whether to use RPATH in shared libraries... yes checking whether to include MySpell dictionaries... yes checking which shell to use... bash checking for cygwin gcc/g++... found checking for bash... /usr/bin/bash checking gcc home... /usr checking for GNU make... make checking the GNU make version... make 3.81 checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl checking the Perl version... checked (perl 5) checking for required Perl modules... all modules found checking for friendly registry keys... done checking for mspdb71.dll... /cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MICROS~2/Common7/IDE checking the Microsoft C/C++ Compiler... found (/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MICROS~2/VC/bin/cl.exe) checking the Version of Microsoft C/C++ Compiler... found Compiler version 001400005072. found .NET 2005. checking for midl.exe... /cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MIC977~1/Bin checking for csc.exe... /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/MICROS~1.NET/FRAMEW~1/V20~1.507 checking .NET Framework... found no g++ includes checking exception type... dwarf2 checking for STLport4 headers... using internal stlport. checking which memory allocator to use... internal checking whether to add custom build version... no checking whether to build with Java support... yes checking the installed JDK... checked (JDK 1.4.2_15) checking for jawt lib name... -ljawt checking whether to enable gcj aot compilation... no checking for dmake... no dmake will be built on ./bootstrap checking whether to enable EPM for packing... no checking whether to build the ODK... yes checking for external/unowinreg/unowinreg.dll... not found, will be built checking whether to build qadevOOo... yes checking whether to provide libstdc++/libgcc_s in the installset... yes checking which zlib to use... internal checking which jpeg to use... internal checking which expat to use... internal checking which freetype to use... internal checking which libwpd to use... internal checking which libxml to use... internal checking which python to use... internal checking which db to use... internal checking which hsqldb to use... internal checking which beanshell to use... internal checking which xml-apis to use... internal checking which xerces to use... internal checking which xalan to use... internal checking which xt to use... internal checking which sablot to use... internal checking which curl to use... internal checking which boost to use... internal checking which odbc headers to use... internal checking whether to enable build of Mozilla/Mozilla NSS-using components... yes checking whether to build Mozilla addressbook connectivity... yes checking whether to build XML Security support... yes checking whether to build LDAP configuration backend... yes checking which LDAP SDK to use... Netscape/Mozilla checking which mozilla to use... internal checking for toolkit mozilla should use... checking whether to build Mozilla... no checking which sane header to use... internal checking which icu to use... internal checking whether to link to Xrender... no, dynamically open it checking which Xrender headers to use... internal checking which nas to use... internal checking whether to enable portaudio/sndfile support... no checking whether to build neon... yes checking which neon to use... internal checking whether to enable agg... yes checking which AGG to use... internal checking which libhunspell to use... internal checking which altlinuxhyph to use... internal checking which mythes to use... internal checking for PSDK files...