Testname: Formatting, Displaying and Placement of Data Labels

Document Owner:

Thomas Klarhoefer

Last document change:


Status of document:


Valid for version: OpenOffice.org_2.4

Test purpose:

Check that the format and the display options for data labels are usable. Check also the placement for different Charttypes.

Known issues:

Preconditions of test:

Test documents:



Number formatter in chart labels Status: Standard -

  1. File / New / Spreadsheet
  2. Create cell range A2:E5 with random values
  3. Insert Chart (Type of your choose) using Toolbar
  4. Insert / Data Labels ...
  5. Check Show Value as number
  6. Press Number format...
  7. From this point use the Numberformatter testcase (see References)

Combination of value and percentage display as data point label Status: Standard -

  1. File / New / Spreadsheet
  2. Create cell range B2:E5 with random values
  3. Toolbar Formatting press Button Number format: currency
  4. Insert Pie Subtype Exploded Pie Chart Chart using Toolbar
  5. Insert / Data Labels ...
  6. Check Show Value as number
  7. Check Show number as percentage
  8. Leave the Dialog by using ok
  9. Check if the combination of value and percentage are used for each Datapoint.
  10. File / Save as...{Name of your choice}
    1. use OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) as target file format
  11. File / Reload the saved file
  12. Check, if all settings are unmodified

Space, Comma, Semicolon and New Line (simple) Status: Standard -

1. File / New / Spreadsheet
2. Create cell range A1:C3 with random values
3. Insert Column normal Chart using Toolbar
4. Insert / Data Labels ...
5. Check the Show Value as number
6. Check if the Separator Listbox are not available
6. Uncheck the Show Value as number
7. Check the Show Value as percentage
8. Check if the Separator Listbox are not available
9. Check additional the Show Value as number
10. Check if the Separator Listbox are available
11. Uncheck the Show Value as percentage
12. Check if the Separator Listbox are not available
13. Check the Show category
14. Check if the Separator Listbox are available
15. Check if the entrys Space, Comma, Semicolon and New Line are visible/available
16. Leave the Dialog by using ok.

Space, Comma, Semicolon and New Line (complex) Status: Standard -

  1. File / New / Spreadsheet
  2. Create cell range A1:C3 with random values
  3. Insert Column normal Chart using Toolbar
  4. Insert / Data Labels ...
  5. Check Show Value as number
  6. Check Show number as percentage
  7. Choose in the Separator Listbox the entry Space
  8. Check, if the Space as Separator is set for all DataPoints
  9. Insert / Data Labels ...
  10. Check Show Category
  11. Choose in the Separator Listbox the entry Semicolon
  12. Check, if the Semicolon as Separator is set for all DataPoints between the Value as number, number as percentage and the category
  13. Insert / Data Labels ...
  14. Check Show Legend Key
  15. Choose in the Separator Listbox the entry New Line
  16. Check, if a New Line as Separator is set for all DataPoints between the Value as number, number as percentage and the category incl. the Legend Key
  17. File / Save as...{Name of your choice}
    1. use OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) as target file format
  18. File / Reload the saved file
  19. Check, if all settings are unmodified

Placement of Data Labels Status: Preliminary -

  1. File / New / Spreadsheet
  2. Create cell range A1:C3 with random values
  3. Insert Column normal Chart using Toolbar
  4. Insert / Data Labels...
  5. Check Show category
  6. Check if the list entrys for placement are: above, below, center, outside, inside and near origin
  7. Choose center
  8. Check if center will be set
  9. choose near origin
  10. Check if near origin will be set
  11. Leave the Dialog by using ok
  12. Format / Charttype...
  13. Switch over to Charttype XY (Scatter)
  14. Insert / Data Labels...
  15. Check Show category
  16. Check if the list entrys for placement are: above, below, left, right and center
  17. choose below
  18. Check if below will be set
  19. Leave the Dialog by using ok
  20. Format / Charttype...
  21. Switch over to Charttype Pie
  22. Insert / Data Labels...
  23. Check Show category
  24. Check if the list entrys for placement are: Best Fit, outside, inside and center
  25. Choose the Option Best Fit
  26. Check if Best Fit will be set
  27. Leave the Dialog by using ok
  28. File / Save as... {Name of your choice}
    1. Use OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) as target file format
  29. File / Reload the saved file
  30. Check if the settings for placement are Best Fit 

Automatic positions for labels on pie segments Status: Standard -

  1. File / Open
  2. Enter the name of the test document (PieBestFit_TestDocument) in the File Name field.
  3. Open the document by using the Button Open
  4. Check for the charts in the first row if:
    1. the two labels on top of the pie do not overlap
    2. each of the two is moved besides a bit
    3. each is connected with a line to its according piece
  5. Check for the charts in the second row if:
    1. the three labels on top of the pie do not overlap
    2. The central label is not moved
    3. The both moved outer labels are connected with a line to the according pieces
  6. Check for the charts in the third row if:
    1. the four labels on top of the pie do not overlap
    2. each of the two central labels is moved besides a bit
    3. All four moved labels are connected with a line to their according piece
    4. The color of the line is identical to the label color
  7. Check for the charts in the fourth row if:
    1. the five labels on the right side do not overlap
    2. The central label (0.7%) has not moved compared to outside position
  8. Check for the charts in the fifth row if:
    1. K is not overlapping with J
    2. B is not overlapping with C
    3. E, F and G are not overlapping
  9. Leave the test document without saving


 Software specification for Data Labels

Test case specification for number format http://qa.openoffice.org/ooQAReloaded/TestcaseSpecifications/OpenOffice.org_2.0/Global/Numberformatter.html



testcase specification history

Formatting, Displaying and Placement of Data Labels

Date Change User
09.11.2007 (13:41:10) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
09.11.2007 (13:40:31) status updated Thomas Klarhoefer
09.11.2007 (10:53:21) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
09.11.2007 (07:35:28) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (16:56:11) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (16:47:35) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (16:34:55) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (13:45:17) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (13:43:33) testcase :Automatic positions for labels on pie segments updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (11:57:59) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (11:39:36) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (11:37:48) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (11:01:36) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.11.2007 (10:57:47) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (19:36:06) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (19:09:36) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (15:40:51) testcase details added Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (15:36:04) testcase details added Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (15:19:37) testcase added Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (12:30:30) testcase :Placement of Data Labels updated Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (10:57:51) testcase added Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (10:56:39) references updated Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (10:55:59) references updated Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (10:25:35) references updated Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (10:24:56) references updated Thomas Klarhoefer
07.11.2007 (10:21:54) header updated Thomas Klarhoefer
16.10.2007 (09:16:16) status updated Jogi Sievers
16.10.2007 (09:15:26) status updated Jogi Sievers
16.10.2007 (09:15:13) status updated Jogi Sievers
16.10.2007 (09:15:00) status updated Jogi Sievers
16.10.2007 (09:14:41) testcase details updated Jogi Sievers
16.10.2007 (09:12:30) testcase details updated Jogi Sievers
16.10.2007 (09:12:01) testcase details updated Jogi Sievers
16.10.2007 (09:10:49) testcase details added Jogi Sievers
15.10.2007 (14:59:49) testcase added Jogi Sievers
15.10.2007 (14:59:24) testcase :Space, Comma, Semicolon and New Line (simple) updated Jogi Sievers
15.10.2007 (14:57:54) testcase details added Jogi Sievers
15.10.2007 (14:42:18) testcase added Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (14:36:33) header updated Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (14:33:19) testcase :Combination of value and percentage display as data point label updated Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (14:32:49) testcase details added Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (14:32:17) testcase added Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (14:27:03) testcase :Number formatter in chart labels updated Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (14:22:54) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (14:22:28) references updated Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (13:38:28) header updated Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (13:37:48) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (13:34:06) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
15.10.2007 (11:39:49) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
12.10.2007 (09:41:43) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.10.2007 (14:35:22) testcase details added Thomas Klarhoefer
08.10.2007 (14:09:13) references updated Thomas Klarhoefer
08.10.2007 Testcase specification created Thomas Klarhoefer