Testname: Collaboration

Document Owner:

Oliver Craemer

Last document change:


Status of document:


Valid for version: OpenOffice.org_3.0

Test purpose:

Verify that the collaboration feature works as designed

Known issues:

Preconditions of test:

Office that include the new Collaboration feature For effective testing: Test should be done by >2 User and a Shared Document.

Test documents:



Testcase 1 Dialog round trip Status: Preliminary -

  1. File / New / Spraedsheet
  2. Create cell range A1:C5 with random values
  3. File / Save as... {Name of your choice}
  4. Close the Document
  5. File / Open {Name of the document}
  6. Tools / Share Document...
  7. Check, if the Dialog which is described in Topic 3.2.1 in the collaboration spec are shown
  8. Mark Checkbox Share this Spreadsheet with other users
  9. Leave the Dialog by using ok
  10. Check, if the messagebox which is described in Topic 3.2.3 in the collaboration spec are shown
  11. Leave the Dialog by using yes
  12. Check, if the Windowheader show the Name of the document and in breakets the hint (shared)
  13. File / Save
  14. Close the Document
  15. File / Open {Name of the document}
  16. Check, if the messagebox which is described in Topic 3.2.6 in the collaboration spec are shown
  17. With a second user (or a second machine or Login) try to access to the shared Spreadsheet
  18. Check, if the messagebox which is described in Topic 3.2.6 in the collaboration spec are shown after the shared spreadsheet are opened
  19. Check, if both User work on the same (shared) Spreadsheet
  20. User 1: change the value in cell A1
  21. User 2: change the value in cell A2
  22. User 1: save the changes
  23. User 2: save the changes
  24. User 2: check, if if the messagebox which is described in Topic 3.2.9 in the collaboration spec are shown
  25. User 2: Leave the Dialog by using ok
  26. User 2: Check, if the changes in Cell A1 are shown in the color defined by the Change Tracking feature
  27. File / Save
  28. Close the Document
  29. File / Open {Name of the document}
  30. User 1: change the value in cell A2
  31. User 1: File / Save
  32. User 1: Check, if the Dialog which is described in Topic 3.2.7 in the collaboration spec are shown
  33. User 2: File / Save
  34. User 2: Check, if the Dialog which is described in Topic 3.2.8 in the collaboration spec are shown
  35. User 2: Leave the Dialog by using cancel
  36. User 2: Tools / Share Document...
  37. User 2: Unmark Checkbox Share this Spreadsheet with other users
  38. User 2: Leave the Dialog by using ok
  39. User 2: Check, if the Dialog which is described in Topic 3.2.12 in the collaboration spec are shown
  40. User 2: Leave the Dialog by using ok
  41. User 1: Leave the Resolve Conflicts Dialog by using the Cancel Button
  42. User 1: Check, if the Dialog which is described in Topic 3.2.10 in the collaboration spec are shown
  43. User 1: Leave the Dialog by using Yes
  44. User 1: change the value in cell A3
  45. User 2: change the value in cell A4
  46. User 2: Tools / Share Document...
  47. User 2: Unmark Checkbox Share this Spreadsheet with other users
  48. User 1:  File / Save
  49. User 1: Check, if the Dialog which is described in Topic 3.2.13 in the collaboration spec are shown
  50. User 1: Leave the Dialog by using yes
  51. User 2: File / Save
  52. User 2: Check, if the Dialog which is described in Topic 3.2.11 in the collaboration spec are shown
  53. Leave the Dialog by using ok

Testcase 2 Resolve conflicts Dialog Status: Preliminary -

  1. File / New / Spraedsheet
  2. Create cell range A1:B5 with random values
  3. Tools / Share Document...
  4. Mark Checkbox Share this Spreadsheet with other users
  5. Leave the Dialog by using ok
  6. File / Save as... {Name of your choice}
  7. Close the Document
  8. File / Open {Name of the document}
  9. With a second user (or a second machine or Login) try to access to the shared Spreadsheet
  10. Check, if both User work on the same (shared) Spreadsheet
  11. User 1: change the value in cell A2:B3
  12. User 2: change the value in cell A2:B3
  13. User 1: save the changes
  14. User 2: save the changes
  15. User 2: Check, if the Dialog which is described in Topic 3.2.7( Resolve conflicts) in the collaboration spec are shown
  16. User 2: Check, if  all conflicts  in cell A2:B3 are listed by Type of conflict, Author and Date
  17. User 2: Resolve the conflict in cell A2 by press the Keep mine Button
  18. User 2: Check, if the conflict are correct resolved
  19. User 2: Resolve the conflict in cell A3 by press the Keep other Button
  20. User 2: Check, if the conflict are correct resolved
  21. User 2: Resolve the conflict in cell B2:B3 by press the Keep All Others Button
  22. User 2: Check, if the conflict are correct resolved
  23. User 2: File / Save
  24. User 2: Close the Document
  25. User 2: File / Open {Name of the document}
  26. User 2: Check, if all change are correct adopted





testcase specification history


Date Change User
05.03.2008 (11:13:14) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
05.03.2008 (10:14:16) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
05.03.2008 (10:09:03) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
05.03.2008 (08:34:31) testcase details added Thomas Klarhoefer
05.03.2008 (08:29:44) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
05.03.2008 (08:28:39) testcase added Thomas Klarhoefer
05.03.2008 (08:27:47) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (14:40:47) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (14:28:34) testcase :Testcase 1 Dialog round trip updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (14:28:03) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (13:54:19) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (13:07:45) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (10:59:31) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (10:54:55) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (10:37:51) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (10:23:29) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (10:11:42) testcase details updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (10:09:00) testcase details added Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (10:03:53) testcase added Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (10:03:22) header updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 (09:59:23) references updated Thomas Klarhoefer
04.03.2008 Testcase specification created Oliver Craemer