Breakpoint 2 at 0x2a78d6a9: file /Users/ericb/Desktop/DEV300_m23/oox/source/helper/zipstorage.cxx, line 83. Breakpoint 3 at 0x2a78d77b: file /Users/ericb/Desktop/DEV300_m23/oox/source/helper/zipstorage.cxx, line 83. Breakpoint 4 at 0x2a78d491: file /Users/ericb/Desktop/DEV300_m23/oox/source/helper/zipstorage.cxx, line 74. Breakpoint 5 at 0x2a78d589: file /Users/ericb/Desktop/DEV300_m23/oox/source/helper/zipstorage.cxx, line 74. Breakpoint 6 at 0x2a78d84d: file /Users/ericb/Desktop/DEV300_m23/oox/source/helper/zipstorage.cxx, line 57. Breakpoint 7 at 0x2a78d9b5: file /Users/ericb/Desktop/DEV300_m23/oox/source/helper/zipstorage.cxx, line 57. warning: Multiple breakpoints were set. Use the "delete" command to delete unwanted breakpoints. Pending breakpoint 1 - "'ZipStorage::ZipStorage'" resolved Reading symbols for shared libraries . done Breakpoint 6, oox::ZipStorage::ZipStorage (this=0x2738e940, rxFactory=@0x2763c920, rxInStream=@0xbfffe5cc) at /Users/ericb/Desktop/DEV300_m23/oox/source/helper/zipstorage.cxx:57 57 StorageBase( rxInStream, false ) (gdb) p *this $1 = { = { _vptr$StorageBase = 0x0, maSubStorages = { _M_t = { _M_impl = { > > >> = { > > >> = {}, }, members of _Rb_tree_impl,false>: _M_key_compare = { > = {}, }, _M_header = { _M_color = _S_red, _M_parent = 0x0, _M_left = 0x0, _M_right = 0x0 }, _M_node_count = 0 } } }, mxInStream = { = { _pInterface = 0x0 }, }, mxOutStream = { = { _pInterface = 0x0 }, }, maStorageName = { pData = 0x0 }, mpParentStorage = 0x0, mbBaseStreamAccess = false }, members of ZipStorage: mxStorage = { = { _pInterface = 0x0 }, } } Current language: auto; currently c++ (gdb) n 59 OSL_ENSURE(, "ZipStorage::ZipStorage - missing service factory" ); (gdb) n 63 mxStorage = ::comphelper::OStorageHelper::GetStorageFromInputStream( rxInStream, rxFactory ); (gdb) n Error: File /Users/ericb/Desktop/DEV300_m23/oox/source/helper/zipstorage.cxx, Line 67: ZipStorage::ZipStorage - cannot open input storage Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory. Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000000 0x2a78dc83 in oox::ZipStorage::implOpenSubStorage (this=0x2738e940, rElementName=@0xbfffe510, bCreate=false) at /Users/ericb/Desktop/DEV300_m23/oox/source/helper/zipstorage.cxx:125 125 if( mxStorage->isStorageElement( rElementName ) ) (gdb) p *this warning: RTTI symbol not found for class 'oox::ZipStorage' $2 = { = { _vptr$StorageBase = 0x2ac27fe8, maSubStorages = { _M_t = { _M_impl = { > > >> = { > > >> = {}, }, members of _Rb_tree_impl,false>: _M_key_compare = { > = {}, }, _M_header = { _M_color = _S_red, _M_parent = 0x0, _M_left = 0x2738e948, _M_right = 0x2738e948 }, _M_node_count = 0 } } }, mxInStream = { = { _pInterface = 0x21d0eb14 }, }, mxOutStream = { = { _pInterface = 0x0 }, }, maStorageName = { pData = 0x23f65c }, mpParentStorage = 0x0, mbBaseStreamAccess = false }, members of ZipStorage: mxStorage = { = { _pInterface = 0x0 }, } }