T. O. C.

  1. Whoops
  2. ODF enters the semantic web
  3. Cool URIs for the Semantic Web
  4. A Prototype Knowledge Base for the Life Sciences
  5. Tallis Connected Commons
  6. Legal Ontologies Spin a Semantic Web
  7. DBpedia Knowledge Base
  8. HTML+RDFa
  9. 4db2rdf
  10. Topic Maps
  11. XMLmind
  12. World Bank data
  13. and Wikipedia


Information on this page itself tends to be fairly old.  Toward the end of 2009, I am starting separate, more narrowly focused pages.  There is, alas, some overlap between to two strategies.

ODF enters the semantic web

I (2007-10-15) (thank you, Groklaw) see that "ODF enters the semantic web". I have not (2007-10-15) followed the links, but the page catches my interest by talking about questions ...

Some of these, like "where did the data come from?" and "how trustworthy is this data?" are exactly the things with which I would like help during my work at Bulk Barn documenting fields of U.APLDGRI.

As an example of the utilitly of markup like this, it would be good to track the references on that page as they progress through statusus "merely copied from the page", "examined", "read", "read in depth", "never gonna read", or whatever. Alas, the page in question does not even use what html offers for structuring documents: not <p> but <br /><br />; not <cite> but <span style="font-style: italic;">. Sigh!

The article suggests further readings


ODF v2 has additional metadata support and OOo v3 can export this metadata as RDF. See, for example, Transforming an OWL Ontology to an OpenOffice Document Template .

Cool URIs for the Semantic Web


URIs for real-world entities

A Prototype Knowledge Base for the Life Sciences



Tallis Connected Commons


Offers a gratis hosting service for libre data.

Think about this in conjunction with …

The Tallis pages suggest that information hosted there should be registered with Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network . A quick glance at some of the packages shows no obvious emphasis on the semantic web, info from the U.S. 2000 census being a conspicuous exception.

Legal Ontologies Spin a Semantic Web


Offers motivation, description, links. Note tools &hellip

DBpedia Knowledge Base


DBpedia is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web.  DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, and to link other data sets on the Web to Wikipedia data. 

Bob DuCharme has a posting about DBpedia.



The abstract of that specification "defines rules and guidelines for adapting the RDF in XHTML: Syntax and Processing (RDFa) specification for use in the HTML5 and XHTML5 members of the HTML family. The rules defined in this document not only apply to HTML5 documents in non-XML and XML mode, but also to HTML4 documents interpreted through the HTML5 parsing rules."

It is early days for this spec. Expect it to change in incompatible ways.

Picking out bits from a light once-over: … authors may turn their existing human-visible text and links into machine-readable data without repeating content …



Olivier Ishacian announced on the docbook list XMLmind Document Repository . This actually seems to be software for managing a repository with some features including automatic versioning, automatic indexing, et cetera.

World Bank data


The world bank is offering lots of data. The page seems not to describe the format.

and Wikipedia


An article in MIT Technology Review, Wikipedia to Add Meaning to Its Pages , talks about facilitating reuse of information from wikipedia and about populating wikipedia tables from external sources.

The article links to a query using the tool "Power Set".  The snippets of hits on that linked page have text marked with different kinds of emphasis.  Presumably, there is a rationale for the differences, but I have not figured it out.