Mon Apr 29 2024 20:28:42 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
15794 Installa code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Add rich text format (.rtf) as default option to open 2003-09-25
24616 Writer code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL I would like to make OOo the default application for RTF files 2004-01-21
72627 Installa ui issues CLOS DUPL Please associate csv, dbf file types with Calc 2018-11-20
44951 Installa code requirements CLOS DUPL Add *.rtf, *.csv to list of file associations 2005-08-25
53724 General ui requirements CLOS DUPL File association does not include other common formats like .rtf 2005-08-25
5 issues found.
